I infected yr PC with my malware. It was achieved you have visited a malicious website. I gained complete ctrl of your puter, It was made a video by means of ur web camera where u get urself off. I’ve also compromised all ur information from yr social networks and yr EM. My e-wallet is ltc1q4d53t7h2gzcs3qqkffy98mem0u5cuvaddr3e8p and there u should transfer 28 Lite coin, and then I will sweep off all the juicy details on u! There are only twenty-four h to direct cash on opening the notification, I will see it. If u neglect the demands, in fourty-eight h I will direct yr masturbation to ur contacts and post it on yr social networks. Ur reputation will be undermined, there will be no exit! This mail is interim and it won’t be used anymore! Don’t pay consideration to my English literacy, I’m not a language speaker.