From: Lottie Ligon <order @> ; Sent: Sun 16 Dec 2018 11:15PM Subject: DefΙnitely read thΙs 16-12-2018 05:14:52
Hope you actually do not mind my english language sentence structure, considering that i’m from Indonesia.I toxified your gadget with a trojan and now have all your personal information from your operating-system.
It previously was set up on a mature webpage and after that you have selected the video clip and viewed it,my software immediately got into your computer.
Then simply,your web-camera recorded you hand fucking,besides i caught a footage that you have seen.
Immediately after a while furthermore, it picked up your device contact list.In case u would like me to wipe out your everything i possess – transmit me 850 eu in bitcoin it is a cryptocurrency.
This is my account transfer address:16foLw4hZR3CthAEMjTz1bbGaeKh8nNXdo
At this moment you have 22 hr make a decision The moment i will receive the transaction i am going to get rid of this footage and every thing entirely.Otherwise,please be sure that your evidence will be forwarded to all your friends.