

ITSC provides basic and campus-wide IT services for all CUHK staff and students for free and such standard services are the Core IT Services. Beyond that standard provision, ITSC also provides extra, fee-charging IT Services to satisfy the extra or special needs of the departments and users. Fee-charging IT services are charged in order to cover the extra cost incurred.

This page summarizes the Core and Fee-charging IT Services provided by ITSC, and the charging principle of Fee-charging IT services.


1. Core IT Services are Free

Definition of Core IT Services:

Core IT Services are defined as the basic and campus-wide IT services provided centrally to all eligible staff and/or students to facilitate their teaching, learning, research and administration activities. All CUHK staff and students, teaching and research units, administrative and servicing units are eligible to use the core IT Services for free. The Core IT services are supported by central block grant funding and appropriate overhead charges for self-financed activities are recovered.
The free Core IT services provided by ITSC are:

  1. Access to campus networkwired or wireless, on campus and from student hostels
  2. Access to the campus network from home (VPN)
  3. Campus-wide E-mail for Staff and E-mail for Students
  4. University administration systems – Personnel, Finance, UG admission, …
  5. MyCUHK portal and CUSIS for teachers and students
  6. E-learning system for teachers and students
  7. Research Computing Services for UGC Programmes
  8. CUHK web server for hosting departmental websites
  9. eNewsletter
  10. Webform
  11. Registration and Attendance System (Handheld machine rental is charged)
  12. Computers and study space in the User Area and Learning Commons
  13. Service desk and training
  14. Procurement support
  15. Staff and Student cards
  16. Campus license of popular software, e.g. Microsoft Office
  17. Anti-virus software and anti-spam filtering
  18. Emergency support and security advice
2. Fee-charging IT services

Definition of Fee-charging IT Services:

Fee-charging IT Services are defined as the extra IT services that go beyond the standard provision in terms of scope and/or quality, which are not supported by the central block grant and are therefore subject to fee charging. Subject to availability of manpower, ITSC will endeavor to provide the fee-charging services on request.
The fee charging IT services offered by ITSC are:

  1. IP phone and Data port
  2. Central Door Access Control & CCTV
  3. Virtual Machine hosting
  4. eServices – desktop management, firewall management, …
  5. Cloud applications for department – Online Payment Solution
  6. Media hosting
  7. Studio related services
  8. Courseware/Multimedia development
  9. Research computing projects
  10. Co-location services at Central Data Centres
  11. SMS messaging service
  12. Project Consultation/Management Service
  13. CMS Cloud Service
  14. Virtual Desktop (PAW Service with Zero Client , WVD)
  15. Software Installation in Training Room
3. The Charging Principle of Fee-charging IT Services

The charging fee of the fee-charging IT service is to recover the cost incurred in providing the service:
Service charging fee = Labour Cost + Material Cost
The labour cost is calculated based on the hourly rate of the IT staff. The direct material cost includes both hardware and software required to provide the service. Based on the notional salary of IT staff, the labour cost is calculated as follows:
Professional Service      = $470/hr (2020-21)
Technical Service          = $310/hr (2020-21)

4. Discount on Direct Labour for All Block-Grant (BG) Activities

Starting from 1 October 2015, the University will offer a 50% discount on direct labour to support fee-charging IT services that are supported by BG. That is, in order to be applicable, the service must be charged against BG accounts.

  • Discount is, however, NOT applicable to direct materials and equipment.
  • For non-BG activities, full costs chargeback for direct labour, materials and equipment will be applicable.
5. Charging Table of Fee-charging IT Services

Please refer to the following links (For CUHK staff only) for ITSC’s fee-charging services

Information Technology Services Centre
May 2020