Below are some simple practices that you may adopt to keep your valuable information and data out of hackers’ reach.
1.Safeguard your computers
Secure your computers with anti-virus software.
Keep virus signatures, spyware signatures, Windows and other software patches updated.
Enable personal firewall.
2.Securely protect your smartphones and tablets
Lock your smartphones and tablets by enabling passcode and automatic screen lock after a short period of inactivity.
Avoid storing confidential / sensitive data on your smartphones and tablets.
Securely erase / wipe all the data in your device before discarding or selling your device.
3.Set Strong passwords
Enable password protection for all your computing devices, smartphones and files (e.g. Excel and PDF files) containing confidential information.
4.Avoid sensitive data transmission
Do not post or transmit any files containing sensitive data over the Internet. If you have to, send them in encrypted mode.
5.Always use Encryption when processing sensitive data
Email: Protect the message content from being read by anyone other than the intended recipient. This requires a digital certificate.
VPN: Establish a VPN connection when using Wi-Fi service.
Web browsing: Use SSL (https://), whereas appropriate, when browsing any website that may process sensitive data.
Files and Folders: Encrypt files containing sensitive data with encryption software and strong password.
6.Be Alert to the Email Attachment You Received.
7.Never disclose your password
Remember that the University will never ask you to confirm or validate your email account, password and personal information by replying to an email or by clicking a hyperlink in the email. If you suspect your OnePass password is disclosed or computing device is being hacked, you should change your password immediately and report it to ITSC.