

Student organizations can apply for student organization account to use different IT services:

  • Login ID: Computing ID
  • Password: OnePass (CWEM) Password

In using this account, users are automatically governed by the policies and guidelines that published at Computer Network – Policies & Guidelines on Access and Usage.

Available to

Registered student organizations in the University

Service Charge and Application

Free; application with annual renewa required
Please read tab 1: Account Application, Renewal & Closure here

Service Availability

Application / Renewal / Closure requests with appropriate endorsement will be handled in 3 working days


1. Account Application, Renewal & Closure


Person Responsible: Student organization chairperson / account coordinator
Application Procedures: Complete the online application form


Annual renewal is required. Expiry reminder will be sent to the account coordinator (applicant) in 30 days before the expiry. All related emails and data files within the account will be deleted if renewal cannot be completed 30 days after the account expiry.

Person Responsible: Student organization chairperson / account coordinator
Renewal Procedures: Complete the online application form in 30 days before and after the account expiry


2. Use of Account


3. Change / Forgot Password

Change Password

Change your OnePass password here

Forgot Password

If you forgot your OnePass password, use either method below:


4. Regular Password Expiry

You need to change your OnePass (CWEM) Password at least every 400 days as a security measure (Why?). An email reminder will be sent to you before your account expiry. To change password, you may:

  1. Visit https://cai.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/chgpwd OR
  2. Click “Change Current / Expired Password” on OnePass or CUHK Login Page

When Your OnePass (CWEM) Password Expires

  • You can still change your password
  • You will be prompted with “Incorrect ID / Password” while logging into IT services that do not involve OnePass / CUHK Login page
  • You will be reminded about the password expiry while logging into OnePass / CUHK Login