ITSC Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) service provides an alternate option for application administrator users* to acquire a secure virtual desktop environment. WVD complies with all the workstation security standards that stipulated in Security Policy for Handling Personal Data.
Use 2FA to login workstation.
Use account with normal user right only for day-to-day operation, no admin privilege shall be used for daily operation.
Randomize password of local admin account.
Install and update system and application patches regularly.
Install and update antivirus / endpoint security software regularly.
Install software tools to enable central Configuration Management.
Enable disk encryption.
CUHKAD Domain joined PC to ensure compliance with security policy.
Departments can subscribe to WVD service for their application administrator users* to access and handle personal data with ease and confidence, using any modern web browser from anywhere.
*Major applications include CUSIS, CUPIS, UG Admission System, PG Admission System (GS Platform (Division)).
24 x 7 except regular maintenance on the third Wednesday of each month at 3:00am to 4:00am
1. Features
Access from anywhere, on designated devices, supported OS: Windows, macOS, Linux, Chrome OS
Access by modern browser, such as Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari
Access by Remote Desktop client on Windows, MacOS, iOS, and Android if local printing is needed
Available to access CUHK four major applications CUSIS, CUPIS, UG Admission System, PG Admission System (GS Platform (Division)).
Available to access Office 365 services
Persistent storage for personal settings, bookmarks, and files during subscription period
Copy-and-paste/drag-and-drop files to/from WVD are disabled to reduce the risk of data leakage. Instead, users may use OneDrive and SharePoint to upload or download files.
Linux: Not Available – Please use Firefox or Chrome browser access
3. FAQ
Subscription & Charging Rate
Can department subscribe a WVD using a Project Account or for a shared use?
No. Subscription is for CUHK Staff account only and is not intended for a shared use.
Can department subscribe the WVD service on a monthly basis?
Subscription is based on annual basis to match with CUHK financial year.
Can department transfer the remaining subscription period from an application administrator to another application administrator? Yes. To transfer the remaining subscription, the department can submit the request to the ITSC Service Desk.
Data Storage
Will there be persistent storage in WVD?
30GB of persistent storage are available for storage, settings and personalization (e.g. desktop wallpaper and bookmarks).
Desktop Management
Would ‘Virtual App’ to four major applications be provided instead of via virtual desktop?
Considering actual user behavior and risk of accidental data leakage from host computer, a full virtual desktop experience is provided to users instead of virtualized apps.
Can I print from Virtual Desktop?
Printing to local printers is supported using full WVD client. Such feature is not available if the virtual desktop is accessed via web browser.
Access to WVD
Can I access WVD at home or non-campus network?
Yes, WVD can be accessed through any Internet connection including the campus network and any commercial broadband service. VPN is not required for off-campus access.
What is the recommended configuration for the PC to run WVD? Like can it run on iPad?
Any modern web browsers from Windows, MacOS or Linux. WVD app is also available on Windows, MacOS, iOS, and Android devices.
Will WVD be extended to provide access to University licensed software?
We will review the service enhancement from time to time and consider factors such as, but not limited to, technical feasibility, service demand and resources availability. Meanwhile, course teachers/coordinators can apply remote access of applications for facilitating teaching needs.