Information Technology Staff Handbook

Information Technology Staff Handbook

At CUHK, the central IT support is provided through the Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC). Department specific facilities are supported by

  • Department IT staff or
  • ITSC Facility Management Team or
  • ITSC eServices support.

This handbook summarizes University policies, guidelines, best practices and information for Information Technology (IT) staff. They will be reviewed and updated at any time in response to the University’s changes and needs. You are recommended to visit this page regularly to check for the updates.


1. Role of Information Technology Staff

Department IT staff managed department facilities and may have privileged access to department information systems, some of which may be personal, sensitive and confidential. In executing their duties, they should

  • Preserve confidentiality
  • Carry out security measures to protect departmental networks and systems
  • Enhance and maintain professional knowledge, skills and competence
  • Educate and support their users on the use of IT in departments
2. IT Governance
3. User Groups
4. University IT, IS Policies and Standards
5. IT Resources
6. Hardware and Software Acquisition
7. Campus Network
8. Informaton Security Best Practices
  1. Best Practice for Technical Professional (via campus network or CUHK VPN)


User Support Services
Information Technology Services Centre
Version 1.1, Dec 2018