Notes to Prospective Students


My group is currently focusing on wireless networks for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), application of AI techniques in the PHY-layer and MAC-layer of wireless networks, and blockchain.


The flavor of the research in my group is one that mixes experiments with theories. We like to look for interesting and practically relevant theoretical problems to solve from our experimental results. Software radio defined implementation is one of the main thrusts in my group. We also look to implement our PHY and MAC designs into FPGA.


For my latest publications, please see

Click on "Year" to sort the publications in reverse order of publication date.


There are two paths to join my group:


1)     First as RA, then student

If you are currently a master student elsewhere, you have excellent academic records, you have strongfundamental and working knowledge in wireless communications and networking (evidenced by your thesis work and publications), our lab may be a good place for you. The RA position usually lasts from 6 months to one year. If your performance is good, I will consider you as my PhD student, and nominate you and give you all the assistance you need to compete for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (HKPF)(for further details, see


2)     Directly becoming a student

If you want to join my group as a graduate student without first being an RA , please take a look at our department admission procedure
( ). I will also consider nominating you for HKPF if your record is strong enough.To compete for HKPF, you must rank within the top few percent among students from a top school, and preferably have some publications in international conferences and journals.


You can send me your CV and an email, and I will try my best to give you my feedback on your chances.