2017. 11. 18The paper "Optimal Privacy-Preserving Data Collection: A Prospect Theory Perspective" received the IEEE Communications Society Young Professional Best Paper Award in 2017
We are delighted to know that the paper "Optimal Privacy-Preserving Data Collection: A Prospect Theory Perspective" by Guocheng Liao, Prof. Xu Chen, and Prof. Jianwei Huang has received the mentioned award.
The award is given to the two young authors (who received their undergraduate degrees within the past 15 years). Guocheng is currently a 2nd year PhD student supervised by Prof. Huang. Prof. Xu Chen is an IE PhD alumnus in 2012, also from Prof. Huang's research group and co-supervised by Prof. Peter Yum, and he is currently a Professor at SYSU. Xu received the Chinese Thousand Talents Award for Young Professionals in 2016 and IEEE Communications Society Asia Pacific Board Young Researcher Award 2017.
This paper is among the first in the literature providing a theoretical analysis regarding how behavior economics (more specifically prospect theory) can help us better characterize and understand human privacy decision-making. The paper can be found at