
Prof. Chiu Dah-Ming, Winston 邱達民教授

Emeritus Professor (FIEEE, MACM)
Education: BSc (Lond.), PhD (Harv.)
Research Area: Networking Theory, Internet and Applications
Email: dmchiu [@] ie.cuhk.edu.hk


Research Interests

  • Internet – measurement, congestion control, routing, traffic management, architecture
  • P2P networking
  • Network economics
  • Wireless networks

Courses Taught

  • Computer Networks
  • Advanced Topics in Information Engineering
  • Advanced Topics in P2P Networking


Dah Ming received his first degree from Imperial College, London, and then a PhD degree from Harvard University. Before joining CUHK in 2002, Dah Ming worked for AT&T Bell Laboratories from 1980-81, Digital Equipment Corporation from 1981-96, and Sun Microsystems Labs from 1997-2002.

While at Digital, Dah Ming did pioneering work on network congestion control and avoidance, which contributed to the development of congestion control for the Internet today. He also worked on network monitoring and co-authored a book on the subject. He contributed to the 1992 edition of the X.500 directory services standards. During the mid 90's, at the Alta Vista division of Digital, he was one of the key principals in the development of a web-based application platform (Web Forum), which became a successful product. While at Sun Labs, Dah Ming worked on reliable multicast, and deadlock-free routing algorithms for data center switched fabrics (such as Infiniband).

Since returning to academia, Dah Ming has actively served the research community, as TPC members of Sigcomm, Infocom, CoNext, ICNP and many other conferences. He has served as an associated editor of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking from 2006 to 2011. He has served as department chairman since Aug 2009.

Recent Selected Publications

P2P Content Distribution

  • YP Zhou, TZJ Fu, DM Chiu, and Gale Huang, "An Adaptive Cloud Downloading Service", accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Special Issue on Cloud-based Mobile Media.
  • YP Zhou, TZJ Fu and DM Chiu, "On Replication Algorithms in P2P VoD", accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
  • YP Zhou, TZJ Fu and DM Chiu, "'Division-of-labor between Server and P2P for Streaming VoD", IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2012, June 2012.
  • YP Zhou, TZJ Fu and DM Chiu, "A Unifying Model and Analysis of P2P VoD Replication and Scheduling", IEEE Infocom 2012, Florida.
  • YP Zhou, TZJ Fu and DM Chiu, "Server-Assisted Adaptive Video Replication for P2P VoD", Elsevier Journal of Signal Processing: Image Communication, Advances in 2D/3D Video Streaming Over P2P Networks, 27(4):484-495, May 2012.
  • JQ Huang, QY Liu, ZB Lei and DM Chiu, "Applications of Social Networks in Peer-to-peer Networks", Accepted for publication as a part of the book "Computational Social Networks: Tools, Perspectives and Applications (Volume 1)", Springer, 2011.
  • QM Li, JCS Lui and DM Chiu, "On the Security and Efficiency of Content Distribution Via Network Coding", IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 9(2):211-221, 2012.
  • YZ Wang, TZJ Fu and DM Chiu, "Design and Evaluation of Load Balancing Algorithms in P2P Streaming Protocols", Elsevier Computer Networks, Special Issue on Internet-based Content Delivery, 55(18):4043-4054, Dec 2011.
  • YP Zhou, TZJ Fu and DM Chiu, "Statistical Modeling and Analysis of P2P Replication to Support VoD Service", IEEE Infocom, 2011, Shanghai.
  • YP Zhou, DM Chiu and JCS Lui, "A Simple Model for Chunk Scheduling Strategies in P2P Streaming", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 19(1):42-54, Feb 2011.

Internet Engineering

  • Q Li, MW Xu, JP Wu, PPC Lee, XG Shi, DM Chiu, and Y Yang "A Unified Approach to Routing Protection in IP Networks" IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 9(3), Sept 2012. (An earlier version appeared in ICCCN 2010)
  • L Chen, XG Shi and DM CHiu, "From ISP Address Announcement Patterns to Routing Scalability", short paper in Traffic Monitoring and Analysis Workshop (part of PAM Conference) 2012.
  • Q Li, MW Xu, JP Wu, PPC Lee and DM Chiu, "Towards a Practical Approach for BGP Stability with Root Cause Check", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Elsevier, 71(8), pp. 1098-1110, August 2011.
  • XG Shi, CK Chau and DM Chiu, "Space-efficient Tracking of Network-wide Flow Correlations", Infocom mini-conference, 2011, Shanghai.

Network Economics

  • Q Zhao, JCS Lui and DM Chiu, "A Mathematical Framework for Analyzing Adaptive Incentive Protocols in P2P Networks", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 20(2), pp 367-380, 2012.
  • S Feng, JW Huang and DM Chiu, "Bargaining and peering between network content and coverage providers", invited paper at GameNets 2011.
  • RTB Ma, DM Chiu, JCS Lui, V Misra and D Rubenstein, "On Cooperative Settlement Between Content, Transit and Eyeball Internet Service Providers", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 19(3):802-815, June 2011