2018. 08. 18The Charles Kao Top Performance Awards 2017-18
Each year there is one student in each programme (IERGN and MIEGN) receiving this prestige scholarship because of the best performance achieved in his/her major studies after completing the minimum requirement of 123 units. An honorable medal and an amount of HK$10K will be awarded to the each top Final Year Student in IERGN and MIEGN scoring the highest GPA in the major of studies.
We are pleased to announce the 2018-19 recipients as follows:
- IERG - Mr. HUANG, Cen
- MIEG - Mr. YUAN, Jiyao
The award presentation will be arranged at the New IERGN/MIEGN Student Luncheon Gathering 2019 scheduled in early September when most of the students are invited to be the witnesses for that honorable moment. Congratulations to them!