Please Help Raise Funds for Alumnus Mr. Victor Tsang Shing-ngai’s Family

Mr. Victor Tsang Shing-ngai, a 2004 graduate of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School, died in a tragic plane crash on 10 March 2019. We all share sorrow and grief at this news.

Aged just 37, Mr. Tsang was working for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). On the day of the accident, he was on a scheduled flight from the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa to Nairobi in Kenya to attend the UN Environment Assembly. Tragically, Mr. Tsang, who was killed alongside a number of his colleagues, leaves behind a wife and children.

Mr. Tsang had previously worked for World Vision and the United Nations World Food Programme, for the benefit of society. He then joined UNEP’s office in Kenya to actively promote environmental protection and women’s empowerment within the environmental sector. Although he had been living abroad for a long time, Mr. Tsang still supported his alma mater and became a guest lecturer on CUHK’s Global Studies Programme. In this capacity, he sought to pass on relevant skills and environmental awareness to students by sharing his thoughts on sustainability and building a better future for the next generation. Mr. Tsang’s enthusiasm for promoting sustainable development was truly admirable.

Mr. Tsang’s unexpected death has meant his beloved wife and young children have lost their main source of income. In light of these circumstances, the CUHK Business School BBA Alumni Association and CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation Limited have initiated a fundraising campaign upon the approval of Mr. Tsang’s bereaved family. It will help provide support for Mr. Tsang’s family during this difficult time and will finance the education of his children. We hope that all CUHK alumni and good Samaritans will support this fundraising campaign using the following methods:

1. Make a direct or online bank transfer to the CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation Limited’s bank account. Please send the copy of bank pay-in slip, specifying the purpose of the donation as being “In support of alumnus Victor Tsang Shing-ngai’s family”, as well as the donor’s name, mailing address, contact number and email address, to the following address by post or email.

Bank account details for accepting donations
Bank name: Bank of China (Hong Kong)
Bank account: CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation Limited (online transfer: CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation Limited)
HK dollars saving account no. 012-950-2-001538-7

Postal address for sending the pay-in slip
Undergraduate Office,
CUHK Business School
Level 4, Cheng Yu Tung Building,
12 Chak Cheung Street,
Shatin, N.T.
Hong Kong

Email address for sending the pay-in slip (CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation Limited)

2. Send a crossed cheque payable to “CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation Limited”. Please specify the purpose of donation as being “In support of alumnus Victor Tsang Shing-ngai’s family” together with the donor’s name, mailing address, contact number and email address at the back of the cheque, and post it to the following address:

Undergraduate Office,
CUHK Business School
Level 4, Cheng Yu Tung Building,
12 Chak Cheung Street,
Shatin, N.T.
Hong Kong

This fundraising campaign has the full endorsement of the following CUHK staff:

Prof. Kalok Chan
Dean, CUHK Business School
Wei Lun Professor of Finance

Prof. Chi-yue Chiu
Dean, Faculty of Social Science
Choh-Ming Li Professor of Psychology

Prof. Michael Hui
Chairman, Department of Marketing
Choh-Ming Li Professor of Marketing

Prof. Andy Wong
Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies), CUHK Business School
Associate Professor of Practice in Marketing

Dr. Fred Ku
Assistant Dean (Undergraduate Studies), CUHK Business School
Director, Integrated BBA Programme

Prof. Anthony Fung
Director, B.S.Sc in Global Studies Programme
Co-Director, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK

Prof. Simon Shen
Associate Director, Master of Social Science in Global Political Economy Programme
Adjunct Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Science

For enquiries regarding this fundraising campaign, please email (CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation Limited) or phone +852 3943 5434 (Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office, CUHK Business School) / +852 3943 1608 (Alumni Affairs Office, CUHK) / +852 3943 8899 (Communications and Public Relations Office, CUHK).

All donations will be published on the CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation Limited’s website ( in good faith. If you would like to donate anonymously, please notify us.

The CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation Limited is a platform for connecting CUHK people to support charity start-ups and social enterprise projects. It also supports CUHK alumni associations to raise funds for charitable purposes. Its role in this fundraising campaign is to accept donations, contact alumni organisations to appeal for donations, supervise the collection and use of donations, and report to the donors about the use of donations.

All donations will be sent to Mr. Tsang’s wife, without the deduction of any administrative fees.

Note: The CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation Limited is a charitable institution of a public character granted tax exemption under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Donors are eligible to claim tax deduction.