CUHK Business School

"Crowds will only follow experts when the expertise is aligned with the uncertainty's nature."

Prof. Kim Keongtae
Associate Professor, Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics

"Sustainable isn't enough."

Walden Lam (IFAA 2009)
Founder of Unspun

“If you’re able to bring in smart people, you’ll be able to grow your business.”

Harry Ho (BBA in Professional Accountancy 2010)
Founder and Managing Partner, AOB CPA & Co.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School is a global institution that embraces innovation, nurtures entrepreneurial mindsets, promotes social responsibility, and retains deep connections to the Pearl River Delta region.

CUHK Business School Alumni

CUHK Business School alumni network actively influences thoughts and businesses around the globe. Find out how our alumni are making a difference.

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40,000+ Alumni
48 Locations
59 alumni representatives across 26 locations
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