CUHK Business School Welcomes New Faculty Members

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School welcomes 11 new faculty members from across the world onboard. With solid research, teaching and industry experiences, they are poised to make significant contributions in nurturing future business leaders and to a wide range of research efforts that create impact to the community.

CUHK Business School has been a cradle of world-class research and paradigm-shifting ideas. The School attaches great importance to knowledge development and transfer, and proactively seeks collaboration with reputable academic institutes and organisations in the industry, with an aim to transform knowledge with real-life impact. The School has provided a dynamic and collaborative work environment for faculty members to achieve teaching and research excellence and to nurture talent, with a deep commitment to the socio-economic development of Hong Kong, mainland China and the region.

Following a successful worldwide recruitment campaign, CUHK Business School has appointed two associate professors, six assistant professors, one research assistant professor and two associate professors/professors of practice. Their diversified range of experiences and expertise will be valuable additions to the School’s community.

All new faculty members and the institutions from which they obtained their Ph.D. are listed below:

School of Accountancy

Prof. Bella Ya KANG (The National University of Singapore) – Assistant Professor
Expertise: Disclosure; Analyst Coverage; Banking; Tax; Empirical Corporate Finance; Behavioral Finance

Prof. Sheryl Xiaolu ZHOU (The University of Texas at Dallas) – Assistant Professor
Expertise: Financial Accounting; Financial Statement Analysis

Prof. Chunmei ZHU (University of Waterloo) – Assistant Professor
Expertise: Debt Contracting; The Consequences of Credit Default Swaps; The Role of Regulation (e.g., whistleblower provisions of the Dodd-Frank Reform Act of 2010) on Reporting Quality; Management forecasts

Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics

Prof. Jenny Qianran JIN (McGill University) – Assistant Professor
Expertise: Digital Platform and Consumer Behavior; Sharing Economy and its Societal Impact

Dr. Paul KITNEY (The Australian National University) – Professor of Practice in Finance and Economics (a joint appointment by Department of Finance)
Expertise: Adaptive Learning; Financial Friction Macroeconomics; Hedge Fund Strategies; International Finance; Macroeconomics; Macro Investing; Microeconomics; Monetary Economics

Prof. Chiu-yu KO (Boston University) – Associate Professor
Expertise: Applied Game Theory; Economic History; Financial Economics; Industrial Organisation; Political Economy

Prof. Hongfei LI (University of Connecticut) – Assistant Professor
Expertise: Artificial Intelligence; Causal Inference in Platform Study; Machine Learning in Service; Statistical Computing

Department of Finance

Prof. Gang LI (University of Toronto) – Assistant Professor
Expertise: Asset Pricing; Financial Derivatives; Investment; Machine Learning

School of Hotel and Tourism Management

Prof. Sungwoo CHOI (Pennsylvania State University) – Research Assistant Professor

Department of Marketing

Prof. Tony KE (University of California, Berkeley) – Associate Professor
Expertise: Microeconomic Theory and Industrial Organisation; Quantitative Marketing

Prof. Howard Pong-yuen LAM (CUHK) – Associate Professor of Practice in Marketing
Expertise: Branding Strategy; Data Mining/Text Mining; Marketing Management; Marketing Research; New Product Launch