CUHK Business School Ranks Top in International Business Research Ranking
The Department of Management at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School is pleased to announce its international business research rankings presented by Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Journal of International Business Studies.
Based on a 40-year (1970-2009) analysis of publications appearing in 14 leading business and management journals with a focus on the evolution of Asia-Pacific institutions in international business research output during this period, CUHK is the only Asian university ranked in the 25 first institutions in International Business (IB) research outputs. [1] Other institutions on the list include Harvard University, Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania, etc.
CUHK is ranked the 2nd worldwide in publication count at the Journal of International Business Studies, which is the top journal in the field of international business and one of the 24 journals included in the University of Texas at Dallas Top 100 Business School Research Rankings, for the period of 1970-2016. [2]
Daphne Yiu, Professor and Chairman of Department of Management at CUHK Business School shares: “The Department of Management is well-known for its research achievements in international business, particularly in the Asia Pacific region. We have a strong team of faculty members who are pioneers in capitalising the advantages of Hong Kong, as an international hub and gateway to China, to make impactful scholarly contributions to the field of IB. We will continue to strive for our research excellence and be a key player in Asia Pacific management research.”
The two rankings reflect the dedicated research efforts of its faculty members. Combined with their expertise, the Department of Management would continue to contribute impactful research to the community in Hong Kong and beyond.
[1] R. Aïssaoui and M.J. Geringer (2017), “International business research output and rankings of Asia-Pacific universities: A 40-year time-series analysis,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 1-31.
[2] A. Verbeke, & A. Calma (2017), Footnotes on JIBS 1970–2016, Journal of International Business Studies, 48: 1037–1044. doi:10.1057/s41267-017-0127-3