CONNECT – June 2018
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School’s magazine CONNECT provides a platform to inform readers of selected business topics through articles written by staff and guest writers.
In this issue, we bring to you three pieces of important research. Firstly, we study crowdfunding projects and how early contributions by family members and friends can affect their chances of success. Secondly, we look at the powerful and intricate political networks in China and how political knowledge gives local analysts an edge over their foreign counterparts. Thirdly, we show how smart beta ETFs have a significant impact on the investing world. Our professor also comments on the strategic move of China’s largest car-hailing app. And our new Director of School of Hotel and Tourism Management shares with us his experience in the hotel industry and his vision for the future.
- Cover Story: How Early Contributions Affect the Success of Crowdfunding Projects
- Local Knowledge Pays Off for Analysts in China
- How Smart Beta Shakes Up the Investing World
- Didi’s Strategic Move Towards Globalization
- Journey from Hotel to School
Please click here to download the magazine in PDF format.