CUHK Business School Admits 800+ Outstanding Hong Kong and International Undergraduates

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School announced a remarkable undergraduate student intake this year with more than 800 local and international undergraduates. Many of them have achieved outstanding performances in public examinations and/or other areas.

This year, all business undergraduate programmes at CUHK Business School record a higher local admission scores than last year. In terms of the median admission scores of the best five subjects, Global Business Studies (GBS), Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science (QFRM), as well as International Business and Chinese Enterprise (IBCE) are again among the top three programs/streams at the School. The GBS programme has always been a favourite choice among the cream of the crop in the city. Other programmes including Quantitative Finance (QFIN), Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis (IFAA) have consistently made it to the top five.

CUHK Business School is well recognised and sought after by local students who are dedicated to pursuing business at university. The School has also admitted many outstanding local and international students through various channels. This year, GBS, QFRM and IBCE admitted almost 100 percent of candidates with a score of 30+ (i.e., Level 5* in 5 subjects) in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examination. Of all the outstanding newly admitted students, Ngai Suet, Lam Chung-yin and Tse Chun-yu each achieved an excellent academic performance in this year’s HKDSE. They are the top 3 entrants of this cohort. Ngai from Carmel Pak U Secondary School was admitted to GBS; Lam from Ying Wa College was admitted to QFRM; and Tse from HKUGA College is now a Professional Accountancy student. All of them are ready for their exciting university life in the coming four years.

Prof. Andy Wong, Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies) and Associate Professor of Practice in Marketing at CUHK Business School said, “On behalf of CUHK Business School, I welcome all freshmen to our family. The School will continue to uphold our mission and nurture future business leaders, regardless of their background. By providing a rich learning environment, we will endeavor to instil responsible, innovative and conscientious mindsets in our students, who make a difference in the organisations they serve, the people they lead, and the communities they operate.”

BBA-JD Double-Degree Program takes in a Young Talent from Singapore

Inaugurated this year, the Bachelor of Business Administration (Integrated BBA Programme) and Juris Doctor (BBA-JD) Double Degree programme is one of the flagship programmes jointly offered by CUHK Business School and CUHK Faculty of Law. The first of its kind in Asia, BBA-JD is a five-year through-train full-time programme designed for students seeking cross-disciplinary knowledge with parallel concentration on legal and business studies. It features a unique combination of business and law courses, allowing students to acquire knowledge and practical skills in these two complimentary disciplines.

Ng Yee-yan, a young talent from Singapore, was admitted to the BBA-JD double degree programme with a full scholarship. Ng chose CUHK Business School for the unique features of the double degree programme, and the spacious and greenery environment of CUHK. She is excited to embark her journey in Hong Kong to pursue her dreams and aspirations.

CUHK Business School Commits to Internationalisation

As a world-class business school, CUHK Business School is committed to providing a multicultural ecology on campus and our students are expected to live and work with other fellow students from different cultures to enhance their international exposure. This year, the School admitted 220 outstanding international students from mainland China, Macau, Taiwan, as well as 11 countries and regions around the world, including Canada, Estonia, France, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Singapore and South Korea. On top of that, 80 percent of the School’s graduates in the 2015/16 academic year had global experience. They went beyond Hong Kong to participate in exchange programmes, internship programmes, study tours, competitions, volunteer work etc. to enhance their international exposure and global perspective.

Elite Sportsmen Aspire to Study Business

CUHK Business School is a place for young people to actualise their visions regardless of their academic and cultural backgrounds. CUHK Business School values a well-balanced development for students. This year, 40 students were admitted to the School through the “School Principals’ Nominations Scheme”, “Sports Scholarship Scheme” and the “Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarship” awarded by Home Affairs Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government. Many of them are in the Hong Kong National Squad and Hong Kong Junior Squad, representing Hong Kong to participate in a number of international competitions with remarkable results. They have outstanding achievements in sports, including athletics, badminton, basketball and fencing.

So Kwun-wai, who was the captain and a shooting guard for Ying Wa College’s basketball team, is now a student of the Integrated BBA (IBBA) programme. So was named the Most Valuable Player in the 2016-17 Nike All Hong Kong Schools Jing Ying Basketball Tournament. The tournament is recognised as the highest level sports competition among secondary schools in Hong Kong. His secret to success is training hard. The School is impressed by his determination and persistence in pursuing his dreams in addition to his outstanding academic performance.

Also admitted to the IBBA programme is Kuan Yu-ching, a fencer who represented Hong Kong to participate in a number of international competitions. Her opponents were from Australia, Chile, France, Poland, Turkey, Singapore, Ukraine and more. Having her own international ranking in the fencing arena, Kuan impressed the interview panel with her excellent team spirit and interpersonal skills.

Lam Chung-yin

Ngai Suet

Tse Chun-yu

Ng Yee-yan

So Kwun-wai

Kuan Yu-ching