Zhan, Xintong
BA (Peking U); PhD (CUHK); CFA; CAIA

Assistant Professor
Contact Room 708, 7/FCheng Yu Tung Building
12 Chak Cheung Street
Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong
+852 3943 4179
Prof. Xintong (Eunice) Zhan is an Assistant Professor of Finance and Real Estate at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). She is also a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA). Before joining CUHK, she was an Assistant Professor of Finance at Erasmus University Rotterdam. She received her PhD in finance from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2016 and BA in finance from Guanghua School of Management, Peking University in 2012. Her papers are published or forthcoming in Review of Financial Studies and Management Science. She is the Principal Investigator of several Hong Kong competitive RGC grants and many other research grants from both academic and industry sponsors such as The Canadian Derivatives Institute (CDI) and Geneva Institute for Wealth Management.
Teaching Areas
Financial Management
Real Estate Finance
Research Interests
Empirical Corporate Finance
Empirical Asset Pricing
Corporate Social Responsibility
Financial Accounting
Real Estate Finance
- Publications & Working Papers
- Jie Cao, Bing Han, Xintong Zhan, and Qing Tong (2021) “Option Return Predictability,” Review of Financial Studies, accepted.
- Jie Cao, Tarun Chordia, and Xintong Zhan (2021), “The Calendar Effects of the Idiosyncratic-Volatility Puzzle: A Tale of Two Days?” Management Science, forthcoming.
- Si Li and Xintong Zhan (2019), “Product Market Threats and Stock Crash Risk,” Management Science, 5(9), 4011-4031.
- Xu Li, Chen Lin, and Xintong Zhan (2019), “Does Change in Information Environment Affect the Choice between Bank Debt and Public Debt?” Management Science, 65(12), 5676-5696.
- Jie Cao, Hao Liang, and Xintong Zhan (2019), “Peer Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility,” Management Science, 65(12), 5487-5503.
- Grants
- “Option-Based Risk Factors in the Corporate Bond Market”, General Research Fund awarded by Research Grants Council, 2020-2022 (Principal Investigator)
- “ESG Preference and Market Efficiency”, Research Grant awarded by Geneva Institute for Wealth Management, 2020
- “The Information in Equity Option Prices and Corporate Bond Returns”, awarded by The Canadian Derivatives Institute (CDI), 2017-2019
- “Sustainability or Return? The Impact of Sustainability Rating on the Flow-Performance Sensitivity of Mutual Funds”, Early Career Scheme awarded by Research Grants Council, 2019-2021 (Principal Investigator)
- “Textual Analysis and the Cross-Section of Equity Option Returns”, General Research Fund awarded by Research Grants Council, 2019-2022 (Co-Investigator)
- “ESG Preference and Market Efficiency”, Alternative Risk Premia Research Grant awarded by the Paris-Dauphine House of Finance and Unigestion, 2019-2020
- “Option Trading and Corporate Debt Structure”, awarded by Canadian Derivatives Institute (CDI), 2016-2018
- “What Drives Option Return Predictability?”, awarded by awarded by Canadian Derivatives Institute (CDI), 2016-2018
- “Does Peer Pressure Impact Corporate Social Responsibility? A Regression Discontinuity Analysis (同業壓力如何影響企業社會責任?基於斷點回歸方法的分析)”, General Research Fund awarded by Research Grants Council, 2015-2017 (Co-Investigator)
- Awards and Honours
- Best Paper Award on Derivatives, Northern Finance Association Annual Conference, 2020
- Best Paper Award, FMA Consortium on Asset Management, 2020
- AAM–CAMRI Prize in Asset Management, Asia Asset Management and National University of Singapore, 2019
- ETF Research Academy Award of the Paris-Dauphine House of Finance and Lyxor Asset Management, 2018
- Best Paper Award, The 26th Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, 2018
- Chicago Quantitative Alliance (CQA) Academic Competition, Chicago, 2017
- Chicago Quantitative Alliance Asia (CQAsia) Academic Competition, Hong Kong, 2016
- Zephyr Prize, Best Paper in Corporate Finance, The 28th Australian Finance & Banking Conference, 2015
- Outstanding Paper Award, The 9th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Market, 2014
- Best Paper Award, The 22nd Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, 2014
- Academic/Professional Services
1. Speakers at Professional and Public Events
- New Frontiers in Investment Research by Unigesteion and Imperial College London, 2020, London, U.K.
- Sustainable and Impact Investing Forum, 2019, Singapore
- 2nd CUHK Derivatives and Quantitative Investing Conference, 2019, Hong Kong
- AXA Investment Managers Chorus, 2019, Hong Kong
- 1st CUHK Derivatives and Quantitative Investing Conference, 2018, Hong Kong
- Inquire Europe Fall Seminar, 2018, Budapest, Hungary
- 4th Geneva Summit on Sustainable Finance, 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
- Chicago Quantitative Alliance Asia Conference, 2018, Hong Kong
- China Institute of Finance and Capital Markets, 2017, Beijing, China
- 2nd Asian ETF Summit, 2017, Hong Kong
- Chicago Quantitative Alliance Annual Conference, 2017, Chicago, U.S.
- 11th Annual Risk Management Conference, 2017, Singapore
- 3rd Geneva Summit on Sustainable Finance, 2016, Geneva, Switzerland
- Chicago Quantitative Alliance Asia Conference, 2016, Hong Kong
- Macquarie Global Quantitative Research Conference, 2016, Hong Kong
- 10th Advances in the Analysis of Hedge Fund Strategies Conference, 2015, London, U.K.
- Chicago Quantitative Alliance Asia Conference, 2015, Hong Kong
2. Journal Referee Service
- Journal of Banking and Finance
- Journal of Business Ethics
- Journal of Corporate Finance
- Journal of Empirical Finance
- Journal of Financial Markets
- Journal of Futures Markets
- Management Science
- Review of Asset Pricing Studies
- Review of Finance
3. Conference Organisation/Review Service
- The Northern Finance Association Annual Meetings, 2019, 2020
- The Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, 2019, 2020
- The Midwest Finance Association Annual Meeting, 2020
- 2nd CUHK Derivatives and Quantitative Investing Conference, 2019
- Surrey & IFABS Conference on Firm Value Maximisation and Corporate Social Responsibility, 2016