Hong, Ying-yi
BSocSc (CUHK); MA, MPhil, PhD (Columbia)

Choh-Ming Li Professor of Management
Principal Investigator of Culture Lab
Cheng Yu Tung Building
12 Chak Cheung Street
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
+852 3943 7773
Prof. Ying-yi Hong’s research interests include culture and cognition, multicultural identity and intergroup relations. She is no stranger to multiculturalism, having grown up in colonial-era Hong Kong, where she absorbed both Chinese and Western influences. Prof. Hong received her PhD from Columbia University and previously taught at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Her research reflects her global experiences. The editor of over ten books, including The Oxford Handbook of Multicultural Identity, which won the 2015 Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book Award, Prof. Hong has published over 150 journal articles and book chapters and her work has been cited widely in the fields of psychology, business and education. She has received several awards for her pioneering work, including the Otto Klineberg Intercultural and International Relations Award in 2001, International Society for Self and Identity Outstanding Early Career Award in 2004, and Nanyang Award for Research Excellence in 2013. Prof. Hong was elected Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science (APS) and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) at Stanford University.
Teaching Areas
Organisational Behaviour
Design and Innovation Management
Advanced Cultural Psychology for Business Research
Advanced Social Psychology for Business Research
Research Interests
Culture and Cognition
Intergroup Relations
Behavioural Decision Making
Cultural Neuroscience
- Publications & Working Papers
Recent Journal Publications
- S. Zhan, M.A. Uy, and Y. Hong (in press), “Missing the forest for the trees: Prior entrepreneurial experience, role identity, and entrepreneurial creativity,” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.
- D.Y. Phua, C.H. Leong, and Y. Hong (2020), “Heterogeneity in national identity construct: Example of Singapore using network analysis,” International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 78, 20-32.
- B.K. Cheon, I. Melani, and Y. Hong (2020), “How USA-centric is psychology? An archival study of implicit assumptions of generalizability of findings to human nature based on origins of study samples,” Social Psychological and Personality Science, 11(7).
- B.K. Cheon, and Y. Hong (2020), “Aversive responses towards culture fusion is moderated by the source of foreign cultural inflow,” Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 51(5), 370-386.
- G. Christopoulos and Y. Hong (2020), “The multicultural mind as an epistemological test and extension for the thinking through other minds approach,” Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 43, E97.
- J. Zhang, Y. Yang, and Y. Hong (2020), “Sleep deprivation undermines the link between identity and intergroup bias,” Sleep, 43(2), zsz213.
- Y. Hong, K.K. Li, B. Huang and T. Tam (2019), “Real-time PM2.5 air pollution and social preferences: a large scale behavioural game study using mobile apps in mainland China,” The Lancet Planetary Health, Vol.3, Supplement 1, September, p.S15.
- S. Sprong et al (2019), “Our country needs a strong leader right now: Economic inequality enhances the wish for a strong leader,” Psychological Science, 30(11).
- Y. Yang, Y. Hong, and J. Sanchez-Burks (2019), “Emotional aperture across East and West: How culture shapes the perception of collective affect,” Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 50(6), 751-762.
- W.J. Yap, B. Cheon, Y. Hong, and G. Christopoulos (2019), “Cultural attachment: From behavior to computational neuroscience,” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13, Article 209.
- K.A. Dijkstra and Y. Hong (2019), “The feeling of throwing good money after bad: The role of affective reaction in the sunk-cost fallacy,” PLoS ONE, 14(1): e0209900.
- W.F. Chen, X. Wang, H.Y. Gao, and Y. Hong (2019), “Understanding Consumer Ethics in China’s Demographic Shift and Social Reforms,” Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics.
- C. T. Tadmor, Y. Hong, M. M. Chao, and A. Cohen (2018), “The tolerance benefits of multicultural experiences depend on the perception of available mental resources,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 115(3), 398-426.
- N. Bendapudi, S. Zhan, and Y. Hong (2018), “Cultural values differentially moderate the benefits of basic education on two types of national innovation outputs,” Journal Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49(2), 199-222.
- T. Lan and Y. Hong (2017), “Norm, Gender, and Bribe-Giving: Insights from a Behavioural Game,” PLOS ONE, 12(12).
- C. Y. Cheng and Y. Hong (2017), “Kiasu and Creativity in Singapore: An Empirical Test of the Situated Dynamics Framework,” Management and Organizational Review, 13(4), 871-894.
- Y. Hong and B.K. Cheon (2017), “How does culture matter in the face of globalisation,” Perspectives on Psychological Science, 12, 810-823.
- W.J. Yap, G.I. Christopoulos, and Y. Hong (2017), “Physiological responses associated with cultural attachment,” Behavioural Brain Research. 325 (Jan.), 214-222.
- B.K. Cheon and Y. Hong (2017), “Mere experience of low subjective socioeconomic status stimulates appetite and food intake,” Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 114(1), 72-77.
- D.Y. Phua, M.J. Meaney, C.C. Khor, I.Y.M. Lau, and Y. Hong (2017), “Effects of bonding with parents and home culture on intercultural adaptations and the moderating role of genes,” Behavioural Brain Research, 325, 223-236.
- Z. Liu, X. X. Liu, Y. Hong, J. Brockner, K. Tam, and Y. Li (2017), “Is individual bribery or organizational bribery more intolerable in China (versus in the United States)? Advancing Theory on the Perception of Corrupt Acts,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 143, 111-128.
- S. Huff, F. Lee, and Y. Hong (2017), “Bicultural and Generalised Identity Integration Predicts Interpersonal Tolerance,” Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 48(5), 644-666.
- S.L. Yeo, W. Shin, M. Lwin, J. Williams, and Y. Hong (2017), “Are Primetime Diets Congruent with Dietary Recommendations? Content Analyses of Food Advertisements in US, China, and Singapore,” Global Health Communication, 2:1, 30-38.
- B.K. Cheon, G.I. Christopoulos, and Y. Hong (2016), “Disgust associated with culture mixing: Why and Who?“, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47 (November), 1268-1285.
- R. Friedman, Y. Hong, T. Simons, S.C. Chi, S.H. Oh, M. Lachowicz (2016), “The Impact of Culture on Reactions to Promise Breaches: Differences between East and West in Behavioral Integrity Perceptions,” Group and Organization Management, 43(2).
- Y. Wang, L. Zhang, X. Kong, Y. Hong, B. Cheon, and J. Liu (2016), “Pathway to neural resilience: Self-esteem buffers against deleterious effects of poverty on the hippocampus,” Human Brain Mapping, 37(11), 3757-3766.
- H. Liao, Y. Hong, and J. Rounds (2016), “Perception of subtle racism: The role of group status and legitimizing ideologies,” The Counseling Psychologist, February, 44(2), 237-266.
- G. Christopoulos, X.X. Liu, and Y. Hong (2016), “Toward an Understanding of Dynamic Moral Decision Making: Model-Free and Model-Based Learning,” Journal of Business Ethics, 133, 2.
- Y. Hong, S. Zhan, M.W. Morris, and V. Benet-Martinez (2016), “Multicultural Identity Processes,” Current Opinion in Psychology, Vol. 8, April 2016, 49-53.
- B.K. Cheon, R.W. Livingston, J.Y. Chiao, and Y. Hong (2015), “Contribution of Serotonin Transporter Polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) to Automatic Racial Bias,” Personality and Individual Differences, 79, 35-38.
- Y. Chen and Y. Hong (2015), “Different ways to resolve discrepancy between descriptive and injunctive norms across cultures,” Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 46(10).
- S. Zhan, N. Bendapudi, and Y. Hong (2015), “Re-examining diversity as a double-edged sword for innovation process,” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36(7).
- M.W. Morris, Y. Hong, C. Chiu, and Z. Liu (2015), “Normology: Integrating insights about social norms to understand cultural dynamics,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 129, 1-13.
- J.H. Fu, M.W. Morris, and Y. Hong (2015), “A transformative taste of home: Home culture primes foster expatriates’ adjustment through bolstering relational security,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 59, 24-31.
- Grants
- “Understanding Conspiracy Beliefs Through the Threat Compensation and Cultural Perspectives”, General Research Fund (Ref. No. 14621920) awarded by Hong Kong Research Grant Council with HK$739,240, 2021-2023 (Principal Investigator)
- “The Psychology and Ramifications of ‘Yellow’ versus ‘Blue’ Political Orientations in Hong Kong”, Public Policy Research Funding Scheme awarded by Policy Innovation and Coordination Office with HK$499,790, 2020 (Principal Investigator)
- “Culture, diversity, and financial market bubbles: How does global vs. local processing impact investment decision making?”, General Research Fund awarded by Hong Kong Research Grant Council with HK$996,596, 2016-2019 (Principal Investigator)
- Awards & Honours
- Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) at Stanford University, 2018
- Nanyang Award of Research Excellence, Nanyang Technological University, 2013
- Global Expert, 国家千人, People’s Republic of China, 2012
- Fellow, Association of Psychological Science (APS), 2005
- Outstanding Early Career Award, International Society for Self and Identity, 2003
- Otto Klineberg Intercultural and International Relations Award, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, 2001
- Academic/Professional Services
- Coordinator of China Studies (University Research Strategy), CUHK
- Associate Director of Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK
- Co-convenor of Global China Research Programme, CUHK