Law, Kenneth S.
BBA (CUHK); PhD (Iowa)

Associate Dean (Research)
Cheng Yu Tung Building
12 Chak Cheung Street
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
+852 3943 7905
Prof. Kenneth S. Law is a Professor in Department of Management and the Associate Dean (Research) at The Chinese University Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School. Prof. Law’s areas of expertise are research methodology, Human Resource Management and Management in Chinese Context. He has published many articles in leading research journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of International Business and Journal of Management. Prof. Law has served as an associate editor of the Academy of Management Journal and as a senior editor of Management and Organization Review. He is currently serving in the editorial board of the Academy of Management Journal and as a consulting editor of the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. Prof. Law received his PhD degree from The University of Iowa.
Teaching Areas
Organisational Behaviour
Human Resource Management
Research Methodology
Research Interests
Organisational Behaviour
Human Resource Management
Research Methodology
- Publications & Working Papers
- Kenneth S. Law, Chi-sum Wong, M. Yan, and G. Huang (2016), “Asian Researchers Should Be More Critical: The Example of Testing Mediators Using Time-lagged Data,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 33, 319-341.
- J. Zhang, Kenneth S. Law, and B. Lin (2015), “You think you are Big Fish in a Small Pond? Perceived Overqualification, Goal Orientations, and Proactivity at Work,” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 37, 61-84.
- Y. Jiang and Kenneth S. Law (2012), “Two Parallel Mechanisms of the Relationship between Justice Perceptions and Employees Citizenship Behaviour: A Comparison of the Organizational Identification and Social Exchange Perspective,” European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 1-13.
- Y. Jiang, Li-Yun Sun, and Kenneth S. Law (2011), “Job Satisfaction and Organisation Structure as Moderators of the Effects of Empowerment on Organisational Citizenship Behaviour: A Self-Consistency and Social Exchange Perspective,” International Journal of Management, 28(3) Part 1, 675-693.
- Lynda J. Song, Guo-hua Huang, Kelly Z. Peng, Kenneth S. Law, Chi-sum Wong, and Zhijun Chen (2010), “The Differential Effects of General Mental Ability and Emotional Intelligence on Academic Performance and Social Interactions,” Intelligence, 38, 137-143.
- Kenneth S. Law, Hui Wang, and Chun Hui (2009), “Currencies of Exchange and Global LMX: How They Affect Employee Task Performance and Extra-Role Performance,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management.
- Y. Gong, Kenneth S. Law, Song Chang, and K. R. Xin (2009), “Human resource management and firm performance: The differential role of managerial affective and continuance commitment,” Journal of Applied Psychology, 94(1), 263-275.
- Kenneth S. Law, L. Song, Chi-sum Wong, and D. Chen (2009), “The Antecedents and Consequences of Successful Localisation,” Journal of International Business Studies, 40, 1359-1373.
- Lynda J. Song, A. S. Tsui, and Kenneth S. Law (2009), “Unpacking Employee Responses to Organisational Exchange Mechanisms: The Role of Social and Economic Exchange Perceptions“, Journal of Management, 35(1), 56-93.
- Kenneth S. Law and Yan Jiang (2008), “單維構念與多維構念的測量.” In 組織與管理研究的實証方法, pp. 255-289.
- Kenneth S. Law and Yan Jiang (2008), “調節變量和中介變量.” In 組織與管理研究的實証方法, pp.255-289.
- Hui Wang, Kenneth S. Law, and Zhenxiong Chen (2008), “Leader-Member Exchange, Employee Performance, and Work Outcomes: An Empirical Study in the Chinese Context,” The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 10, 1809-1824.
- Chi-sum Wong, Kenneth S. Law, and Guo-hua Huang (2008), “On the Importance of Conducting Construct-Level Analysis for Multidimensional Constructs in Theory Development and Testing,” Journal of Management, 34(4), 744-764.
- Kenneth S. Law, Chi-sum Wong, Guo-hua Huang, and Xiaoxuan Li (2008), “The Effects of Emotional Intelligence on Job Performance and Life Satisfaction for the Research and Development Scientists in China,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 25, 51-69.
- Chi-sum Wong, P. M. Wong, and Kenneth S. Law (2007), “Evidence of the Practical Utility of Wong’s Emotional Intelligence Scale in Hong Kong,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 24, 43-60.
- L. Sun, Samuel Aryee, and Kenneth S. Law (2007), “High-Performance Human Resource Practices, Citizenship Behavior and Organizational Performance: A Relational Perspective,” Academy of Management Journal.
- D. Tjosvold, Kenneth S. Law, and H. Sun (2006), “Effectiveness of Chinese Teams: The Role of Conflict Types and Conflict Management Approaches,” Management and Organisation Review, 2(2), 231-252.
- B.L. Kirkman and Kenneth S. Law (2005), “From the Editors: International management research in AMJ: Our past, present and future,” Academy of Management Journal, 48(3), 377-386.
- H. Wang, Kenneth S. Law, R. Hackett, D. X. Wang, and Z. X. Chen (2005), “Leader-member exchange as a mediator of the relationship between transformational leadership and followers’ performance and organisational citizenship Behaviour,” Academy of Management Journal, 48(3), 420-432.
- Kenneth S. Law, Chi-sum Wong, and Lynda J. Song (2004), “The construct and criterion validity of emotional intelligence and its potential utility for management studies,” Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(3), 483-496.
- Kenneth S. Law, David Tse, and N. Zhou (2003), “Does human resource management matter in a transitional economy?” Journal of International Business Studies, 34(3), 255-265.
- Chi-sum Wong and Kenneth S. Law (2002), “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and attitude: An exploratory study,” The Leadership Quarterly, 13, 243-274.
- S. Alper, D. Tjosvold, and Kenneth S. Law (2000), “Conflict Management, Efficacy and Performance in Organisational Teams,” Personnel Psychology, 53(3), 625-642.
- Chun Hui, Simon S. K. Lam, and Kenneth S. Law (2000), “Instrumental Values of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour for Promotion: A Field Quasi-Experiment,” Journal of Applied Psychology, 85(5), 822-828.
- C. Lee, M. Pillutla, and Kenneth S. Law (2000), “Power Distance, Gender and Organisational Justice: A Hong Kong Study,” Journal of Management, 26(4), 685-704.
- Grants
- “Leader-Member Exchange: Its Dimensionality and Relationship with Individual Outcomes in the PRC (中國的「領導-成員交換」的維度和個人雙數的關係)”, awarded by Research Grants Council, 2007-2009
- “Task, Contextual and Counter-Productive Performance – Their Antecedents and Outcomes in the PRC”, awarded by Research Grants Council, 2003-2007