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  • To Sing To Live 唱著活著

To Sing To Live 唱著活著

Cui Zien 崔子恩

Chinese , 2013/01

Tags: China Studies, Society

  • US$18.00

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A folk Sichuan Opera Troupe of eleven performers arrived at the outskirts 

of Chengdu City of China , in the spring of 2012. Zhao Li, smart and 

capable, has led the troupe for many years. The troupe puts on three hours 

of traditional performances in a rented shed. Dandan, beautiful, talented, 

and sixteen years old, is the most prominent actress in the troupe. She has 

a childhood background in acting as her family traveled around as 

performers in the traditional opera. Dandan has been dreaming of 

becoming a star. However, In the age of Sichuan opera declining, the 

performers shortage, the audience's ageing, few venue and unsustainable 

income, Zhao Li exerts herself to the utmost to insist, but she still feels 

ability not equal to her ambition ... 

This film tells the moving story of a local traditional Sichuan opera troupe in China trying to find their own unique method of survival while trapped between the twin pressures of commercialization and urbanization. The reality of troupe's lives reflect a rural China that is being torn apart at the seams, but where local folk culture and traditional values are continue to live and breathe.

有著多年搭班經歷的班主趙麗,精明幹練、一身江湖氣。2012年春,她帶著川劇戲班來到成都市郊區,在一間即將被拆的大棚裡 ,每天演唱近三個小時的傳統劇目,劇目每天不同。16歲的丹丹是戲班裡年輕漂亮、演技超群的角兒。她從小跟戲班跑江湖,也做著明星夢。然而,在川劇日漸衰落的年代,面對演員的青黃不接、演出場地的窘迫、觀眾的老齡化和收入的難以為繼,趙麗使出渾身解數,但仍感力不從心…… 


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