

For Teachers  |  For Students

For Teachers

CUHK Library services to support remote teaching and learning 
A starting point for students to make best use of the Library off campus.

NEW - Electronic versions of Course Reserves
Where possible we will be automatically purchasing electronic versions of material in Course Reserves as this is material in heavy demand for teaching. 

NEW - Special Request - Print Book to E-Copy
If the library holds a print book but no electronic version, CUHK staff and students can request an e-copy. We will try our best to purchase an e-copy, although we make no guarantees. This is a temporary measure and we will in the first instance use free balance from the general book funds.

After finding a print only library book using LibrarySearch (http://librarysearch.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/), login, click the link “E-Copy Request” button and fill out the request form. Email notification will be sent advising whether the e-copy request can be fulfilled.

NEW – Digital Course Pack
For print only materials or library holdings to be used in courses, you may apply for a Digital Course Pack. The Copyright Clearing Office will liaise with the Hong Kong Reprographic Rights Licensing Society (HKRRLS) to obtain permissions to use copyrighted materials for instruction. For UGC-funded programmes, special funding is available for digital course packs applications as far as the funding is available. For details, please visit https://www.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/en/research/copyright/clearing-office.

Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery 
We are now able to process article/book chapter requests remotely. However for the moment we cannot offer ILL for print materials. Eligible users can submit their request through Document Delivery service (https://www.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/en/use/interlibrary-loan/document-delivery).

ReadingList in BlackBoard
Students login to BlackBoard to see their course reading list. Teachers can create course reading lists using the guide (https://libguides.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/ReadingList). The ReadingList tool in BlackBoard enables structured, annotated reading lists with links to all material types, including dynamic links to full text. It also integrates with the Library's system to support acquisition of material not held in the Library. The Contact the Library for help.

Off campus access to E-resources 
Guidance on how to access the library’s e-resources off campus using Easy Access or a VPN.

Subject Guides 
Subject guides bring together library resources in major subject areas to assist students get started quickly with their research.

How to videos 
Short videos to help students from how to use LibrarySearch, to citation styles and locating particular resources such as journal articles.

Study and Research Skills Guides 
Guides with video content on how to use information responsibly and relevant research and study skills.

Where possible we will use technology to deliver workshop training remotely.

Online Help
The Library has webpages and help information for students accessing e-resources remotely at https://www.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/en/use/off-campus.

Further help details and links to faculty liaison librarians, FAQ’s, library email enquires as well as live chat services can be found at https://libanswers.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/. The Library’s full list of databases can be found at https://libguides.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/az.php.
For Students

CUHK Library services to support remote teaching and learning
A starting point for students to make best use of the Library off campus.

NEW - Special Request - Print Book to E-Copy
If the library holds a print book but no electronic version, CUHK staff and students can request an e-copy. We will try our best to purchase an e-copy, although we make no guarantees. This is a temporary measure and we will in the first instance use free balance from the general book funds.

After finding a print only library book using LibrarySearch (http://librarysearch.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/), login, click the link “E-Copy Request” button and fill out the request form. Email notification will be sent advising whether the e-copy request can be fulfilled.

NEW – Digital Course Pack
For print only materials or library holdings to be used in courses, you may apply for a Digital Course Pack. The Copyright Clearing Office will liaise with the Hong Kong Reprographic Rights Licensing Society (HKRRLS) to obtain permissions to use copyrighted materials for instruction. For details, please visit https://www.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/en/research/copyright/clearing-office.

ReadingList in BlackBoard
Students login to BlackBoard to see their course reading list. The ReadingList tool in BlackBoard enables structured, annotated reading lists with links to all material types, including dynamic links to full text. It also integrates with the Library's system to support acquisition of material not held in the Library. The Contact the Library for help.

Off campus access to E-resources 
Guidance on how to access the library’s e-resources off campus using Easy Access or a VPN.

Subject Guides
Subject guides bring together library resources in major subject areas to assist students get started quickly with their research.

How to videos
Short videos to help students from how to use LibrarySearch, to citation styles and locating particular resources such as journal articles.

Study and Research Skills Guides
Guides with video content on how to use information responsibly and relevant research and study skills.

Where possible we will use technology to deliver workshop training remotely.

Online Help
The Library has webpages and help information for students accessing e-resources remotely at https://www.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/en/use/off-campus.

Further help details and links to faculty liaison librarians, FAQ’s, library email enquires as well as live chat services can be found at https://libanswers.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/. The Library’s full list of databases can be found at https://libguides.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/az.php.