同心抗疫 Act together against COVID-19

Information for the Public

  • Bite-sized academic analyses

    Most recoil from academic literature crammed with jargons and figures. But for professors, analysing the busy-looking documents might be an “instinct hobby”, one that our big data expert Prof Kelvin Tsoi (Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care) seems to enjoy. He is dissecting the many papers sprung from the epidemic and sharing his “reading experience” on a public channel – that we may have an evidence-based perspective towards the situation.

    KT Channel Facebook page


    Coronavirus Updates with Prof. Paul Chan

    Prof. Paul Chan (Department of Microbiology) shared his professional knowledge with Asia Society Hong Kong on the latest developments of Covid-19 – are we now facing a pandemic? How is the virus different from SARS? Are current social distancing measures effective?  Click here for detail and listen to the podcast below.

    Coronavirus Updates with Prof. Paul Chan

    Should we be bracing for a COVID-19 pandemic💬? Ask Professor Paul Chan, Clinical Professor and Chairman of the Department of Microbiology at CUHK!

    Posted by Asia Society Hong Kong Center on Wednesday, February 26, 2020


    Covid-19 and diabetes

    Prof. Julianna Chan (Department of Medicine and Therapeutics) shared her insights regarding the association between diabetes and risks of Covid-19 infection. She advises diabetic patients to take extra care due to their weakened organ functions and immune system. The surge in blood sugar levels when the body combats the virus may also cause complications in vital organs. “Pay extra attention to blood glucose levels, eat more fruits and vegetables.”