College Assemblies

College Assemblies are part of the College General Education Programme. It is non-credit bearing. Full-time undergraduate students of Shaw College are required to attend at least THREE College Assemblies each term to fulfill the attendance requirement.

Unless otherwise stated, College Assemblies are held at 11:30 am - 1:00 pm on Friday.

In 2020/21 academic year, the following Assemblies will be held via zoom webinar.

Term 2

Date Theme Language Speaker
15 Jan 2021 35th Founder's Day Celebration Ceremony
Cantonese* various
05 Feb 2021 Debate competition
Cantonese Shaw College Debate Team vs Department of Government & Public Administration Debate Team
26 Feb 2021 A journey of awareness through movement
Cantonese & English Ms. Bonni CHAN, Mr. Sean CURRAN (Co-artist Director, Theatre du Pif)

11 Mar 2021
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture 2020/21 - What have we learnt from COVID-19?
English Professor HUI Shu-cheong David
16 Apr 2021 Drama performance "Creator Manual: How to Make $10M in One Day?" Cantonese* Shaw College Drama Club

Term 1

Date Theme Language Speaker
11 Sep 2020 Inauguration Assembly
Cantonese* College Head, Dean of Students, Dean of General Education
18 Sep 2020 Isolation love in pandemic literature
Cantonese* Ms. TANG Siu-wa
09 Oct 2020 To use or not to use debating in our daily life
Cantonese* Ms. WONG Kit-wai
16 Oct 2020 Learning and giving
Power of positivity
Cantonese* Dr. KO Wai-san Fanny and Mr.  NG Kwok-sing Aldous, Star of Shaw Awardee 2019 
23 Oct 2020 No regret despite being imprisoned
Cantonese* Dr. CHAN Kin-man
20 Nov 2020 Metaphor we live by
Cantonese* Dr. LEUNG Chung-hong Danny
27 Nov 2020 Shaping one's life through writing 
Cantonese* Ms. CHONG Mui-ngam Candace

* Simultaneous interpretation will be provided for non-Cantonese speakers

For attendance to be counted, participants of College Assemblies must first register online via the Registration and Attendance System. Click here for details.

College Assemblies in recent 2 years


Ms. Fiona HO / Ms. Fionna LAI
Tel: 3943 8538 / 3943 7354