Newsletter No. 547/548
宣 布 事 項 / A nnouncements 年度非教職人員審議事宜 Annual Non-teaching Staff Review 大學已函請各學系及部門主管,就2020年度職員審議有關(甲)、(乙)及(丙)類服務條例及 相類服務條款非教職人員之退休、延任、擢升、職級調升及由定期合約轉為長期聘用事宜 考慮提薦。相關提名或意見須於2020年1月17日或以前,經部門送交人力資源處轉呈有關 委員會考慮。相關職員審議的通告及資訊已上載至人力資源處網頁( . hk :員工資訊 4 評核 4 非教職人員)以供參考。 The University has invited heads of departments and units to make recommendations for the retirement, extension of service, promotion, re-grading and conversion from fixed-term contract to continuous appointment of non-teaching staff members on Terms of Service (A)/(B)/(C) or equivalent for the 2020 staff review exercise. Recommendations from the departments/units should be submitted to the Human Resources Office on or before 17 January 2020, for onward referral to the relevant University Committee(s) for consideration. The relevant circulars and information on the annual staff review exercise are now available at the homepage of the Human Resources Office ( www.hro. : Staff Area 4 Staff Review 4 Non-teaching Staff). 平安夜、新年除夕及農曆新年除夕之辦公安排 Staffing Arrangements on University Holidays on Christmas Eve, New Year Eve and Lunar New Year Eve 根據大學關於平安夜、新年除夕及農曆新年除夕大學假日辦公之安排,所有部門於2019年 12月24日、31日,以及2020年1月24日上午須留有職員值班。當值之(乙)或(丙)類服務條例 職員可獲補假半天。 保健處、大學圖書館、資訊科技服務處之電算機操作組、保安處、交通處、物業管理處等部 門須留駐足夠人手,以維持基本服務。 The following staffing arrangements for the University holidays on Christmas Eve, New Year Eve and Lunar New Year Eve will apply on 24 and 31 December 2019, and 24 January 2020 respectively. Departments/units should arrange for skeleton staff to be on duty on these mornings to handle urgent matters and enquiries. Offices will be closed in the afternoon. Skeleton staff (Terms [B] or [C]) on duty on these mornings will be given compensation off of half a day. For essential service units such as the University Health Service, the University Library, the operations team of the Information Technology Services Centre, the Security Office, the Transport Office, and the Estates Management Office, adequate workforce should remain on duty to provide basic services. 聖誕及農曆新年發放薪金日期 Christmas and Chinese New Year Pay Dates 2019年12月份及2020年1月份之薪金分別安排於12月20日(星期五)及1月23日(星期四) 發放。如有查詢,可聯絡薪津及公積金組(電話:3943 7240或3943 1806)。 The salary payment dates for December 2019 and January 2020 will be arranged on 20 December 2019 (Friday) and 23 January 2020 (Thursday) respectively. For enquiries, please contact the Payroll and Superannuation Unit at 3943 7240 or 3943 1806. 榮休教授 Emeritus Professor 理學院黃庭芳教授獲頒榮休教授名銜,由2020年1月2日起生效。 Prof. Wong Teng-fong of the Faculty of Science has been awarded the title of Emeritus Professor with effect from 2 January 2020. 三九天灸療程 2019 Winter Natural Moxibustion 2019 醫學院中西醫結合醫務中心將於12月20日起提供三九天灸療程。療程遵照二十四節氣,在 天氣最寒冷的日子,以針對個別穴位的溫熱中藥敷貼,強身健體。如欲查詢或報名,可登 入 或致電2873 3100(沙田總部)╱ 2869 1860(中環分 部)╱ 2873 3053(灣仔分部)。 The Integrative Medical Centre of the Faculty of Medicine is offering the Winter Natural Moxibustion Therapy from 20 December. Working in accordance with the Lunar Calendar, the therapy involves applying Chinese medicine on certain acupoints on the coolest days of the year. For more information or to register, please visit www.hkiim. or call 2873 310(Sha Tin headquarters) / 2869 1860(Central division) / 2873 3053(Wan Chai division). Phiyona Au Yeung is among the first batch of graduates from the School of Architecture. Straight after graduation, she joined DLN Architects Ltd, one of the four major architectural practices in Hong Kong. ‘Architecture is about bringing out the spatially best. I’m averse to formulaic designs and I always try to inject new ideas into every project I oversee.’ Projects overseen include hotels, apartments, office blocks as well as recreational and entertainment facilities. Looking back on her career of over two decades, she still sees novelty in architectural work. Freespace at the West Kowloon Cultural District is Phiyona’s chef-d'oeuvre . The concrete material used for the external walls is used in the interior. The same material can have fine and coarse textures, just like a versatile actor can play different roles. An external wall of The Box has also been given a polished surface to serve as a 16:9 screen for an outdoor crowd, who can at the same time savour the spectacular view of the Victoria Harbour. Phiyona credits her thesis supervisor Prof. Steve Haughton for what he inspired in her: ‘He made me realize that a flower drawn doesn’t necessarily have to look like a real flower. Buildings themselves are open to various deconstructions.’ In 1997, she designed a ‘decentralized’ museum for her thesis titled ‘Hong Kong Museum of History’. In this alternative museum, historical artefacts are kept at their original places in the community to showcase the stark contrast between then and now. She believes that female architects have a vital role to play in this context: ‘As teamwork is highly valued in the profession, females have an edge in facilitating collaboration and resolving conflicts.’ After being a company director for over a decade, she has recently stepped down to take the role of a consultant. She is taking stock of her two-decade career in preparation for embarking upon the second half of her life. J. Lau 榜 上 友 名 / R oll C all A lum 歐陽明詩 是建築學院首屆畢業生,畢業後獲邀加入本港四大則樓之一劉榮廣伍振民建築師 事務所,她說:「建築在於把空間現有的特點發揮到最好。我不喜歡倒模式設計,總會為每個 項目注入新構思。」她負責過酒店、住宅、寫字樓和文娛設施等,回想這二十多年職涯,仍覺 得建築師的工作充滿新鮮感。 西九文化區自由空間是她的得意之作。室內裝潢應用外牆的混凝土物料,同一種物料可以有 幼細和粗糙不同質感,正如同一演員也可以在不同的角色上有不同的演繹。她刻意打磨「大 盒」的一面外牆,形成十六比九的大屏幕,公眾坐在草地欣賞節目時,可以遠眺維港景色。 畢業論文指導老師 Steve Haughton 教授對她啟發良多,「他令我明白到畫花不一定要似花, 建築物本身亦可以有不同的解構。」1997年,她以「香港歷史博物館」為論文主題,設計了「去 中心化」的另類博物館,讓文物保留在社區原有位置,展現過去與現在活生生的對比。 歐陽明詩認為女建築師有獨特的角色,「建築業由設計到建造都講求團隊合作,女性的溝 通能力有利團隊磨合,甚至能以柔制剛,化解矛盾。」擔任公司董事逾十年後,她近來退下火 線,轉任為公司顧問,盼望總結過往工作,預備走更精采的下半場。 破格築跡 Architecture Outside the Box 掃描閱讀全文 Scan to read the full story 中文 English 掃描獲取詳情或報名 Scan for more information or to register 06 # 5 4 7 / 5 4 8 | 1 1 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 9
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