The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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CHEUNG Hiu Yu Jack
CHEUNG Hiu Yu Jack

BA, M.Phil. (CUHK); Ph.D. (Arizona State University)
Assistant Professor, Department of History, CUHK

Room 127, 1/F, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
(852) 3943 5489

My research interest focuses on the intellectual and social history of the Middle Period of China (7th-14th century). I deal with various texts of intellectual communication in Tang and Song periods, including annotations and commentaries on traditional Classics, literati letters between scholar-officials, memorials, encyclopedias on daily life, as well as other kinds of elite and vernacular literature. In particular, I am interested in how knowledge has been produced, exchanged and transmitted in imperial China. My current writing project focuses on the correlation between the New Learning (xinxue新學) community and the Daoxue fellowship (道學) in the late Northern Song. Switching between intellectual, social and political history, my study shares the convention that ideas and conceptions of ideas play a key role in maintaining a sense of connectedness among people of different spatial and temporal horizons. The study of intellectual history, in this light, serve as a lens through which not only we examine the history of past horizons, but also reflect on our modern mentality.

Research Interests
  • The construction of Daoxue history
  • Chinese imperial rituals
  • Ritual learning and Ritual Classics
  • Chinese historiography
  • History of Confucian ideas
  • Colonialism and post-colonialism
  • Tang and Song literature studies
Selected Publications

(* Refereed monographs, journal articles, and conference papers)


  • Cheung Hiu Yu. Empowered by Ancestors: Controversy over the Imperial Temple in Song China (960–1279). Hong Kong University Press, 2021.
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. Lüman chuangqian: Tulugang dushu zaji綠滿窗前:吐露港讀書札記 (Annotated Pen-notes on Literature, History, and Philosophy). Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) sponsored project. (*)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu張曉宇. Tangshi songci daoshang唐詩宋詞導賞 (An Introduction to Tang and Song Poetry). Hong Kong: Infolink Publishing Limited匯智出版, 2010. HKADC sponsored project. (*)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. Lianzhongwu: songdai zaishinu caichangquan zhi xingtai yu yiyi奩中物: 宋代在室女財產權之形態與意義 (Dowry: Pattern and Significance of Daughters’ Property Ownership in Song China). Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe 江蘇教育出版社, 2008. (*)


Articles and Papers 

Journal articles 

  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Consolidation of the “Cheng School”: Yang Shi and Yin Tun in the Early Twelfth Century.” Asia Major, forthcoming. (*)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Lixue yu huangquan: liang Song zhiji shengxue guannian de yanbian” 理學與皇權──兩宋之際「聖學」觀念的演變 (Neo-Confucianism and Monarchical Power: Evolution of the Concept of “Sacred Learning” in Song China). Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊, Academia Sinica, forthcoming (THCI, A&HCI). (*)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Ritual Officials and the Rise of Confucian Ritualism in the Eleventh Century.” T’oung Pao, forthcoming (A&HCI). (*)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Xuetong siqi xia de Bei Song duli yundong: Chen Lie shiji de yige sixiangshi kaocha” 學統四起下的北宋古禮運動: 陳烈事跡的一個思想史考察 (Northern Song Practice of ancient rituals in the discourse of scholarly pluralism: A sketch of Chen Lie from the perspective of intellectual history). New History 新史學 30.2 (2019.6):111­–167. (THCI). (*)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Cong Bian Tang zhi li dao zhangxian xinyi: Bei Song qianqi xinli wenti yu Taichang yingeli” 從「變唐之禮」到「章獻新儀」──北宋前期「新禮」問題與《太常因革禮》(From “Changing Tang ritual” to the “Rites of Empress Dowager”: The Modifications on Imperial Rituals and Ceremonies and the issue of “New Ritual” in Northern Song). Chinese Studies 漢學研究. 1 (2019.3):39–82. (THCI). (*)
  • Hiu Yu, Cheung. “The Way Turning Inward: An Examination of the ‘New Learning’ Usage of daoxue in Northern Song China.” Philosophy East and West. Print: 69.1 (2019.4): 86–107 (A&HCI). (*)
  • Hiu Yu, Cheung. “Inventing a New Tradition: The Revival of the Discourses of Family Shrines in the Northern Song.” Journal of Song and Yuan Studies. 47 (2019.1):85–136 (A&HCI). (*)
  • Hiu Yu, Cheung. “Ritual and Politics: An Examination of the 1072 Primal Ancestor Debate in the Northern Song.” Frontiers of History in China. 13.3 (2018.10): 275–310 (A&HCI). (*)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Xuepai yiwai: Bei Song shiren Zhou Hao de zhengzhi ji xueshu sixiang” 學派以外: 北宋士人鄒浩的政治及學術思想 (Beyond “School”—The Thought and Political Stance of Zou Hao (1060–1111) in the Northern Song), Intellectual History思想史 (Academia Sinica, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences) Lianjing chuban youxian gongsi 聯經出版有限公司 8 (2018.12):1–46 (THCI). (*)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Zhuanda de xianzhi: Tang zhi Bei Song taichangliyuan yangekao”「專達」的「閒職」—唐至北宋太常禮院沿革考 (An Institution in Nowhere: An Examination of the Commission of Ritual Affairs throughout the late-Tang to Northern Song), in Zhongguo gudai zhengzhizhidu yu lishidili: Yangengwang xiansheng bailing jinian lunwenji中國古代政治制度與歷史地理──嚴耕望先生百齡紀念論文集, 182–209. Jinan: Qilu shushe齊魯書社. 2021.
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Cong Huangyin shijian zailun Yuanyou chuqi zhengjiu yu dangzheng” 從黃隱事件再論元祐初期政局與黨爭 (Re-examining the Yuanyou Politics and Factional Conflicts: The Huang Yin Incident and Its Indication). Journal of Chinese Studies 中國文化研究所學報. Vol. 66 (2018):1–23. (*)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Cong Yuan-Ming dixiu baiwushijuanben lishu luelun Chen Xiangdao lishu de jinxianguocheng ji yiyi” 從元明遞修百五十卷本《禮書》略論陳祥道《禮書》的進獻過程及意義. (An examination on the compilation and significance of Chen Xiangdao’s Ritual Manual, based on a Yuan-Ming reprinted edition of one hundred and fifty juan), Lishi wenxian yanju 歷史文獻研究, Shanghai: Huadong shifandaxue chubanshe華東師範大學出版社. Vol. 39 (2017.9): 291–300. (CSSCI). (*)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Jinri lingfeng bumanqi: feiming shi ‘Jizhilin’ zhong de cuoe yu liubai” 盡日靈風不滿旗──廢名詩《寄之琳》中的錯愕與留白 (Flag flying half in the wind-anxiety and ambiguity in Fei Ming’s Ji Zhilin). Masterpieces Review名作欣賞, 209 (2007): 118–19,123. (*)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Bei Song taixue zhidu yu taixuesheng jiuguoyundong neizai lianxi cutan” 北宋太學制度與太學生救國運動內在聯繫初探 (A Study on the intrinsic relationship between the student movement and the official school system in Song Dynasty). Academic Monthly學術月刊 413 (2003): 60–66 (CSSCI). (*)


Conference papers 

  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “The “Black Sheep” of Early Daoxue Community: The Making of Xing Shu’s Historical Image.” Annual Conference, Association for Asian Studies (AAS), 2021 (March, 2021, virtual conference). (*)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Riding on the “Cow’s Back”—Ritual Officials and the Rise of Confucian Ritualism in the Eleventh Century.” Workshop on ritual history and ritual studies 禮制與禮學第一屆工作坊 (Oct. 2019, Changsha, China). (*)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Lixue yu huangquan: liang Song zhiji shengxue guannian de yanbian” 理學與皇權──兩宋之際「聖學」觀念的演變. International Conference: Thought and politics in the Middle Periods of China 中古中國思想與政治國際學術研討會 (May, 2019, Changsha, China). (*)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Consolidating a New Tradition: The Endeavor of Cheng Yi’s Disciples in the Early Twelfth Century.” International Conference: Culture and Power in China’s History (March, 2019, Arizona State University, USA) (*)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Jiezhi ziding: Bei Song taimiao shixiang yu jipin Zhengyi zhongde zhengji yishi” 「節制自定」──北宋太廟時享與祭品爭議中的「正禮」意識. The 18th Annual Conference of the China Association for Song Dynasty Studies 十至十三世紀西北史地學術研討會暨中國宋史研究會第十八屆年會 (August, 2018, Lanzhou, China) (*)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Chengmen de jiangou yu fengong: cong Chengmen diyidai dizi de shuxin tanqi” 「程門」的建構與分工—從「程門」第一代弟子的書信談起. International Workshop of Song studies 日本宋代史研究会夏合宿 (August, 2018, Ito, Japan)  (*)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “The rise of a new understanding of “loyalty” in late thirteenth-century China.” International workshop: Confronting Predicament: The Mentality and Patterns of Behavior of Chinese Intellectuals in the Second Millennium (May, 2018, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Dividing the New Tradition: The Development of the New Learning Ritual Scholarship in the Northern Song.” Second Conference on Middle Period of Chinese Humanities. (Sept., 2017, Leiden University, Holland) (*)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Bei Song chenlie shiji de yige sixiangshi kaocha” 北宋陳烈事跡的一個思想史考察 (A sketch of the Northern Song scholar Chen Lie, from the perspective of intellectual history). International conference dedicated to Prof. Sun Guodong, with a focus on Tang and Song historical studies 紀念孫國棟教授暨唐宋史國際學術研討會. (June, 2017, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong).
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Zhuanda de xianzhi: Tang zhi Bei Song taichangliyuan yangekao”「專達」的「閒職」—唐至北宋太常禮院沿革考. Memorial conference dedicated to Prof. Yan Gengwang: Politics, institutions, and historical geography of the Middle Periods of China 嚴耕望先生百齡紀念學術研討會――中古政治制度與歷史地理. (Oct. 2016, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong).
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. ‘“The Way” Turning Inward: An Examination of the New Learning Usage of daoxue in the Late Northern Song Period.’ Western Conference Association for Asian Studies. (Oct. 2014, Arizona State University, USA). (*)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Ritual and politics: A Case Study of the 1072 Primal Ancestor Debate in the Northern Song period.” Harvard Conference on Middle Period China, 800-1400. (June 2014, Harvard University, USA). (*)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “The 1079 zhaomu Debate: The Song Ritual Controversy over Ancestral Rites.” American Oriental Society, Western Branch Meeting 2012. (Nov. 2012, Arizona State University, USA). (*)


Book Review 

(Invited review) Cheung Hiu Yu. Review of Patricia Buckley, Ebrey, Emperor Huizong. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2014. Frontiers of History in China, Vol. 9 no.2 (June, 2014), 311-14.



Hoyt Tillman, “Haojing dui wujing zhongyong he daotong de fansi” 郝經對五經、《中庸》和道統的反思 (Hao Jing’s Reflections on the Five Classics, the Doctrine of the Mean and the Concept of Daotong). Translated by Cheung Hiu Yu. Zhongguo wenzhe yanjiu tongxun中國文哲研究通訊, published by Academia Sinica’s Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy. (March, 2014): 73-94.


Other presentations and invited talks

  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Liyi de quxianghua: Beisong lituxue yu lishu fazhan” 禮儀的具像化──北宋禮圖學與禮書發展 (Nov. 26, 2020, Jilin University, China)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Sanlixue jianshu qi yilijingzhuantongjie jieti: yi jiaomiaoshiji zhong de jiuxian yishi weili” 三《禮》學簡述暨《儀禮經傳通解》解題——以郊廟時祭中的「九獻」儀式為例 (Sept. 27, 2020, Southwest Jiaotong University, China)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Songdai shidafu riji zhong de si lingyu: yi Linxi yuanyou riji weiji” 宋代士大夫日記中的私領域—以林希元祐日記為例 (Jan 3, 2020, Hong Kong Policy Research Insitute, Hong Kong)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Sixiang shi de zhengui cailiao: cong Liji jishuo zhong de yijian Beisong gongan shuoqi” 思想史的珍貴材料:從《禮記集說》中的一件北宋禮儀公案說起 (June 2019, Jilin University, China)
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Chengmeng zhi xingcheng: guanyu zaoqi daoxueshi cailiao de jidian sikao” 程門之形成:關於早期道學史材料的幾點思考 (June 3, 2019, Renmin University of China, China).
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Daoxue zhuanxiang neizai: Bei Song xinxue dui Daoxue yici de yingyong yu fazhan” 道學轉向內在:北宋新學對道學一詞的應用與發展 (June 2, 2019, Renmin University of China, China).
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Xingzou zai Songdai de Xianggang: Xianggang Songdai duji Gaishu” 行走在宋代的香港:香港宋代古蹟概述 (May 3, 2019, King Ling College, Hong Kong).
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Beisong junshishi de yezhuan quxiang” 北宋軍事史的野戰取向 (July, 2018, Renmin University of China, China).
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Zeizaixiang: cong Han Tuojiu yu Shi Miyuan kan nansongwanqi de jianchenyishi”「賊宰相」:從韓侂冑與史彌遠看南宋晚期的奸臣意識 (June, 2018, New Asia Institute, Hong Kong).
  • Cheung Hiu Yu. “Quanzhenmenxia wuxushi: Wangzhe de xindaojiao yu shehuishiju dabian zhongde sanjiaoheyi”「全真門下無虛士」:王喆的「新道教」與社會時局大變中的三教合一 (June, 2018, New Asia Institute, Hong Kong).
Research Projects
Year Research Project
2020-2022 Re-thinking the Song Yuan xue’an: The Formation of the “Cheng School” as a Disciplinary Matrix and its Development in the Early Twelfth Century
Project number: 14608519
Fund Awarded (HK$): $445, 000
Principal Investigator, GRF Grant of the Research Grant Council (RGC) of Hong Kong
2018-2020 Male Medicine and Reproduction in Late Imperial China
Project number: 14600117
Fund Awarded (HK$): $388,000
Principal Investigator, Co – Investigator: Prof Hsiung, Ping-chen, GRF Grant of the Research Grant Council (RGC) of Hong Kong
2018-2019 Empowered by Imperial Ancestors: Ritual Politics and Ritualists in Northern Song Reforms
(威兮其祖: 北宋改革中的禮儀政治與禮臣)
Project number: 24603017
Fund Awarded (HKD): $216, 000
Principal Investigator, ECS Grant of the Research Grant Council (RGC) of Hong Kong
2017-2018 Internal grant for teaching staffs of the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Project title: The making of “New Court Rituals” in the transition period of the early Northern Song (1000-1067)
Fund Awarded (HKD): $62, 000
Principal Investigator, Direct Grant of the Chinese University of Hong Kong
2017-2018 Competitive grant for publications of literature writings and literature criticism in Hong Kong
Project title: 《綠滿窗前:吐露港讀書劄記》(出版資助計劃)
Fund Awarded (HKD): $22, 000
Project Grant of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC)

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