Introduction | Programme Structure

Master of Science in Geo-survey and Public Management (Full Time & Part Time)

Programme Structure

For full-time students, they are required to complete 28 units for graduation including 6 required courses , 2 elective courses and one project in one year.

For part-time students, they are required to complete 28 units for graduation including 6 required courses, 2 elective courses and a final year project in two years.

Required Courses:
ESGS 5002   Special Topics in GeoInformation Science ( 3 units )
Teachers: Prof. Ann Mak

This course discusses the principles, structures and applications of geographic information systems. It emphasizes on the use of GIS in organizing and managing spatial data, and how to perform spatial analysis with GIS. Topics include hardware/software components, raster and vector data structures, spatial database, spatial analysis and application issues.

ESGS 5011   Introduction to Geo-survey and Public Management ( 3 units )
Teachers: Dr. Wong Chun

This course provides an overview and hands-on experience in the surveying, mapping, use, and interpretation of geo-survey for supporting the public management, which greatly depend on public policy analysis. Although the study of public management and public policy addresses two subjects that are often treated separately academically, but which in practice are closely inter-related. The course topics covered the both sides: the principles, techniques and methodologies of geo-survey, as well as the foundations of public management which has crucial relationship with policy-making. At the end of the course, students will have a comprehensive knowledge of national geo-survey for supporting the public policy analysis and evaluation, hence the rational and efficient public management.

ESGS 5015   Spatial Analysis for Public Policy ( 3 units )
Teachers: Dr. LI Rongrong

This course provides an introduction to a wide selection of spatial analytics and their applications in different aspects of public management. The course has two major aims. On the technical front, this course aims to teach students fundamental concepts and recent progress of spatial analysis. On the substantive front, this course integrate the introduction to spatial analytics with their applications in public policies and management, ranging from mapping the inequality among economic and health outcomes, to land use choices, and innovative census from remote sensing and locational based service.

ESGS 5016   Urban Networks ( 3 units )
Teachers: Dr. Wong Chun

This course introduces the applications of network analysis in understanding social affairs. Facilitated the development of telecommunication and transportation technologies, a city is increasingly organized as connections between and within it. Such connections can take various forms – social, economic, political, and environmental. Therefore this course look at how network analysis can be used to address a number of urban issues, such as how could we define community in an era of human mobility? How do streets layout affect local economy? And what mechanism gives rise to the megacity region such as the Pearl River Delta?

ESGS 5017   Geoinformation Technologies for Risk and Crises Management ( 3 units )
Teachers: Prof. MA Peifeng

This course is to inform, explain, analyze, interpret and communicate the role of Geoinformation technologies in EW and CM situations (tsunamis, earthquakes, fires, landslides, anthropogenic disasters) and improvement of their use in adequate operations with aim to show their till now under-evaluated potentials and way how to integrate knowledge of cartographic, geographic, and ITC community to EW and CM into wide decision making process.

ESGS 5018   Environmental Remote Sensing Technology ( 3 units )
Teachers: Dr. LI Gang

The course helps students to understand remote sensing principles and basic skills in remote sensing image processing and analysis. The students will develop the capability to solve practical problems in the Earth System Science by using remote sensing methods. The theory, methods, and applications of environmental remote sensing are taught in the course. The lectures cover the principles of electromagnetic radiation, satellite observation sensors, digital image processing, Earth target classifications, and the remote sensing applications in land and ocean. ERDAS Imagine software will be used for lab practices.

ESGS 6061   Project in Geo-survey and Public Management ( 4 units )

Each student is required to carry out an independent research project under the supervision of a teacher.

Elective Courses:
ESGS 5001   Earth System Science ( 3 units )
Teachers: Dr. LI Gang, Dr. DEVLIN Adam Thomas, Prof. MA Peifeng

This course introduces the concept of the Earth System Science - the study of the Earth as a system consisting of many inter-related and interacting components. The topics of lectures include individual components of the Earth System and their respective roles in the changing system. The emphasis is on interactions among different components of the system-atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, and anthrosphere.

ESGS 5003   Transportation Applications of GIS ( 3 units )
Teachers: Dr. LI Rongong

This course provides an overview and hands-on experience in the design, use, and interpretation of Geographic Information Systems for Transportation. Topics covered include transportation layers, transportation related referencing systems, data structures, network structures, urban transportation planning models and other spatial models. At the end of the course, students will have a sound working knowledge of transportation GIS and an ability to work directly with real-life problems.

ESGS 5012   Introduction to Earth Environment Simulations ( 3 units )
Teachers: Prof. YIM Hung Lam, Steve

The course introduces the basic knowledge of earth environmental model simulations. Numerical models serve as important tools for earth environmental research and operations. While the topic of earth environmental modelling is broad, this course will focus on the fundamental concepts of numerical modelling, such as temporal and spatial discretizations, parameterizations, model uncertainty and evaluation. Various components of coupled climate and earth system model will be introduced, including atmospheric general circulation model, regional climate model, weather prediction and land surface model, oceanic general circulation model, air quality model, and integrated assessment model. In addition, this course will discuss numerical model design, application and testing. Practical exercises are also provided for students to gain technical skills in modelling.

ESGS 5060   Seminars in GeoInformation Science ( 1.5 units x 2)
Teachers: Dr. LI Rongrong

This seminar course is an open forum which aims at making students acquire up-to-date knowledge and techniques of the Earth system and Geoscience. Well-known scholars, professional, researchers and officials from local institutions and from overseas will be invited to present their latest research and timely topics relevant to Earth System Science.


Institute of Space and Earth Information Science
Fok Ying Tung Remote Sensing Science Building
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 3943 4279

Fax: (852) 2603 7470


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