香港中文大學 歴史系 歴史系

文學士、碩士 (北京大學);博士 (哈佛大學)

(852) 3943 8549 /
(852) 3943 7705


  • 秦漢及商周考古
  • 冶金學
  • 動物考古學
  • 考古學中GIS的應用
  • 中國冶金技術發展史
  • 古代中國物質文化與藝術發展史
  • 手工業生產
  • 性別考古
  • 商品與經濟人類學

Book (Co-author with Dr. Alice Yao)

  • In Prep       The Archaeology of the Han Dynasty. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Site-report monograph

  • Shaanxisheng, [Shaanxisheng Kaogu Yanjiuyuan 陕西省考古研究院] (第二執筆)          
  •              2018   《邰城鑄鐵:陝西楊淩漢代鑄鐵遺址發掘與研究》 [Taicheng Ironworks: Report on the Excavation and Research of a Cast Iron Foundry of the Han Period in Yangling, Shaanxi]. Shanghai上海, Shanghai Guji Press上海古籍出版社.


Referred Articles (selected)

Lam, Wengcheong

  •          2020 Integration and the regional market system in the Early Chinese empires: a case study of the distribution of iron and bronze objects in the Wei river valley, Asian Perspectives (Accepted and forth-coming).
  • Hunan et al., [Hunansheng Wenwu Kaogu Yanjiusuo湖南省文物考古研究所等] (second author)
  •          2019 湖南桑植官田冶炼遗址发掘简报及冶金分析研究 (The preliminary report on the excavation of the ironworks at Guantian site in Sangzhi, Hunan, and archaeometallurgical analysis of manufacturing remains), 《南方文物》 [Southern Cultural Relics] , 2019(3): 69-92.

Lam, Wengcheong, Jianrong Chong, Xingshan Lei, Jianli Chen

  •          2019  Economic embeddedness and small-scale iron production in the capital region of the Han Empire: the perspective from faunal remains, Archaeological Research in Asia 17:117-132.

Lam, Wengcheong, Jianli Chen, Jianrong Chong, Xingshan Lei, Wai Lun Tam

  •            2018 An iron production and exchange system at the center of the Western Han Empire: Scientific study of iron products and manufacturing remains from the Taicheng site complex, Journal of Archaeological Science 100:88-101.

Lam Wengcheong林永昌, Chen Jianli陳建立, Chong Jianrong種建榮, et al.

  •            2017   论秦国铁器普及化与关中地区战国时期铁器流通模式 (The Spread of Ironware in the Qin State and the Distributional System of Ironware in the Central Shaanxi Plain during the Warring States Period),《中國國家博物館館刊》 [Journal of National Museum of China],2017(3): 36-53.

Lam Wengcheong林永昌

  •            2017  試論東周晉系墓葬的長幼之序與男女之別 (On the age and gender difference in the burial practice of Eastern Zhou Tombs of the Jin State),《古代文明》(第十二卷) [Ancient Civilization] (vol.12),北京大學中國考古學研究中心、北京大學震旦古代文明研究中心編 (Eds. Beijing daxue zhongguo kaoguxue yanjiu zhongxin, Beijing daxue zhengdan gudai wenming yanjiu zhongxin) pp.248-267. Shanghai上海, Shanghai Guji Press上海古籍出版社.
年度 研究計劃
Market System at the Conjunction of the Imperial Interregional Network: An Archaeological Study of Metal Objects in the Jingnan Region of the Han Empire
Research Grants Council - General Research Fund
The archaeology of iron technology and the sovereignty of the Han dynasty in its southern periphery
Research Grants Council - Early Career Scheme

The Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award, Department of History, 2016
