
Information Systems is about data-intensive computing for information processing and intelligence extraction to enable better decision-making and execution for complex systems in our changing society.

In order to leverage today’s rapidly-advancing technology, new generations of algorithms and technologies are applied. Systems engineers are well-trained with solid computer-related and programming knowledge for analysing and mining data, building large-scale analytic models, both stochastic and deterministic, creating algorithms for solving problems, executing large-scale simulation models, and allowing users to easily visualize and manipulate the data.

Audio Search Engines

H. Meng Audio search engines enable us to search through the mass of audio information that is available on the internet, e.g. audio tracks of video, radio broadcasts, meeting recordings, etc. This project combines speech processing and information...

Bi-directional English-Chinese Machine Translation

H. Meng We have developed one of the first bi-directional English-Chinese Machine Translation systems using semi-automatically generated grammars. The same system can automatically generate the Chinese translation of an input English query as well...

Computer-Aided Second Language Learning through Speech-based Human-Computer Interactions

H. Meng This is a new initiative that aims to develop speech and language technologies to support second language learning, especially for Chinese learners of English. We are developing an automatic speech recognizer that can detect and diagnose...

Effcient Deep Learning Algorithms For Human Language Big Data

X. Liu Human languages are natural forms of big data. Statistical language models form key components of many human language technology applications including speech recognition, machine translation, natural language processing, human computer...

Graph Database

J. YuAs rapid growth of Internet and Web-technology, information becomes ever more pervasive and important. The demand keeps increasing for database management systems to provide more effective mechanisms, as being shown in up-to-date research activities...

Highly Natural Chinese Speech Synthesis with a Talking Head

H. Meng We have developed Crystal, a text-to-audiovisual-speech synthesizer that can automatically generate a cartoontalking head based on textual input. This avatar can speak in Cantonese or Putonghua. We are working on improving the naturalness...

Information Mining and Discovery from Text Data

W. Lam Massive amount of information is stored in the form of texts. They can be in the form of unrestricted natural language and in different domains. Some texts are in semi-structured form such as Web pages. This project aims at developing new...

Integration of Classification and Pattern Mining: A Discriminative and Frequent Pattern-based Approach

H. Cheng Many existing classification methods assume the input data is in a feature vector representation. However, in many tasks, the predefined feature space is not discriminative enough to distinguish different classes. More seriously, in many...

Learning Text Categorization and Classification

W. Lam One important and useful basic component in text mining is automatic text categorization. Text categorization has a lot of applications including intelligent document routing and knowledge management. It is more challenging than ordinary classification...

Multi-modal and Trilingual Spoken Dialog Systems

H. Meng We are developing distributed spoken dialog systems that support the languages of Hong Kong (Cantonese, Mandarin and English) as well as human-computer interactions using portable PDAs and smart phones connected over a wireless network. Our...

Network Informal Language Processing

K.F. Wong Network Informal Language (NIL) refers to the language commonly used on the Internet for real-time information exchange, such as over ICQ, MSN, etc. NIL is very different from natural language. It is dynamic and anomalous in nature. We...

Querying Large Evolving Graphs

J. YuThe data available on the Web increases significantly over years and will continue to grow significantly. We consider the Web as an example of a large evolving graph, because its content and links structure dynamically change over time. Like the...

Social Media and e-Community Analysis

K.F. WongFacebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. are popular social media. Today, they are widely used for sharing opinions on different targets, e.g. services, products, politics etc. Social media is becoming an indispensable way of communication in our daily...

Temporal Information Extraction and Processing

K.F. WongTemporal information carries information about changes and time of the changes. It is regarded as an equally, if not more, important piece of information in applications like extracting and tracking information over time or planning and evaluating...
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK