Computer-Aided Second Language Learning through Speech-based
Human-Computer Interactions
Human-Computer Communications Laboratory
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management
Chinese University of Hong Kong
English is the lingua franca of our world. It is the second language
(L2) most actively studied across Asia, as well as an official language
or working language used in education, government, media, etc. in many
regions. Hence, acquiring communicative competence in English is of
prime importance. It has been estimated that by 2010 there will be 2
billion English learners worldwide, and the proportion in Asia alone
will exceed the number of native speakers.
Second language learning, specifically pronunciation learning, involves
correct perception and production of sounds in the target language. The
learning process tends to be influenced by well established perceptions
of sounds and articulatory motions in the primary language (L1). This
cross-linguistic influence is often referred as language transfer.
Negative transfer of L1 features causes inaccuracies and errors in L2
speech productions, which impedes intelligibility. Consequently, the
study of L2 speech productions (i.e the "interlanguage" of learners who
have not acquired native-like proficiency) is of great interest to
phoneticians, linguists, language educators, as well as technologists
engaged in the development of CALL (computer-aided language learning)
This project aims to develop technology for Computer Aided
Pronounciation Training (CAPT). There are several key focus in our
1. Corpora development and annotation
2. Speech recognition research
3. Mispronunciation detection
4. Corrective feedback generation