Prof. WONG, Kam Fai 黃 錦 輝 教授

Prof. WONG, Kam Fai 黃 錦 輝 教授
BSc, PhD (The University of Edinburgh)

Research Interests :

* Chinese Information processing
* Databases
* Information Retrieval

Office: Room 510, William M.W. Mong
Engineering Building
Tel: (852) 3943-8332

=> Prof . Wong’s personal home page


K.F. Wong obtained his Ph.D. from Edinburgh University, Scotland, in 1987. He was a post doctoral researcher in Heriot-Watt University (Scotland), UniSys (Scotland) and ECRC (Germany). At present, he is Professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). In parallel, he serves as the Associate Dean (External Affairs) of Engineering, the Director of the Centre for Innovation and Technology (CINTEC), and Associate Director of the Centre for Entrepreneurship (CfE), CUHK. He serves as the President of Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing (AFNLP, 2015-2016), President of the Governing Board of Chinese Language Computer Society CLCS (2015-2017). Also, he was the President of Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council (2007-2014) and the Vice President of VLDB School China (2005-2013).

His research interest focuses on Chinese computing, database and information retrieval. He has published over 250 technical papers in these areas in different international journals and conferences and books. He is a member of the ACM, Senior Member of IEEE as well as Fellow of BCS (UK), IET (UK) and HKIE. He is the founding Editor-In-Chief of ACM Transactions on Asian Language Processing (TALIP), and serves as associate editor of International Journal on Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing. He is the Chair of Conference Co-Chair of NDBC2016 (SZ), BigComp2016 (HK), NLPCC2015 (Nancheng) and IJCNLP2011 (Thailand); the Finance Chair SIGMOD2007 (BJ); and the PC Co-chair of lJCNLP2006 (Jeju). Also he is a Programme Committee member of many international conferences. He was awarded by the HKSAR Government Medal of Honour (MH) for his contribution to information technology development in Hong Kong in 2011, by the Shenzhen Innovation technology Council “Virtual University Campus Outstanding Project Investigator Honor Certificate” and by the Hong Kong Scout Association, the Medal of Long Services in 2013.

Selected Publications

JOURNAL PAPERS (2013-2016)

Binyang Li, Lanjun Zhou, Kam-Fai Wong, and Zhongyu Wei. An Effective Information Representation for Opinion Retrieval Journal of the American for Information Science and Technology, 2015. (accepted for publication)

Ruifeng Xu, Lin Gui, Jun Xu, Qin Lu, Kam-Fai Wong. Cross lingual opinion holder extraction based on multi-kernel SVMs and transfer learning. World Wide Web 18(2): 299-316 (2015)

Y. He, C. Lin, W. Gao and K.F. Wong. Dynamic Joint Sentiment-Topic Model, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST), 5(1), 6(2013).


Jing Li, Ming Liao, Wei Gao, Yulan He and Kam-Fai Wong: Topic Extraction from Microblog Posts Using Conversation Structures. ACL 2016: to appear.

Jing Ma, Wei Gao, Prasenjit Mitra, Sejeong Kwon, Bernard J. Jansen, Kam-Fai Wong, Meeyoung Cha: Detecting Rumors from Microblogs with Recurrent Neural Networks. IJCAI 2016: 3818-3824.

Ma J, Gao W, Wei Z, Liu, Y, Wong K.F.: et al. Detect Rumors Using Time Series of Social Context Information on Microblogging. Proceedings of the 24th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. ACM, 2015: 1751-1754.

Baolin Peng, Kaisheng Song, Jing Li and Kam-Fai Wong. “Recurrent Neural Networks with External Memory for Spoken Language Understanding” The 4th CCF Conference on Natural Language Processing & Chinese Computing (NLPCC 2015), Nanchang, China, October 9-13 2015. (Microsoft Research Best Student Paper)

Jing Li, Zhongyu Wei, Hao Wei, Kangfei Zhao, Junwen Chen and Kam-Fai Wong. “Learning to Rank Microblog Posts for Real-time Ad-hoc Search” The 4th CCF Conference on Natural Language Processing & Chinese Computing (NLPCC 2015), Nanchang, China, October 9-13 2015. (poster)

Jing Li, Wei Gao, Zhongyu Wei, Baolin Peng, and Kam-Fai Wong. “Using Content-level Structures for Summarizing Microblog Repost Trees”, 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP2015), Lisboa, Portugal, September 17-21 2015.

Kaisong Song, Shi Feng, Wei Gao, Daling Wang, Ge Yu, Kam-Fai Wong, “Personalized Sentiment Classification based on Latent Individuality of Microblog Users”, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-15), Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 25-31, 2015.

Baolin Peng, Jing Li, Junwen Chen, Xu Han, Ruifenf Xu, Kam-Fai Wong, “Trending Sentiment-Topic Detection on Twitter, 16th International Conference on Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing2015), Egypt, April 14-20 2015, pp66-77.

Ruifeng Xu, Zhaoyu Wang, Jun Xu, Qin Lu, Kam-Fai Wong and Junwen Chen. “An Iterative Emotion Classification Approach for Microblogs”, 16th International Conference on Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing2015), Egypt, April 14-20 2015, pp104-113.

Gaoyan Ou, Wei Chen, Binyang Li, Tengjiao Wang, Dongqing Yang, Kam-Fai Wong, “Exploiting Community Emotion for Microblog Event Detection”, EMNLP 2014, Doha, Qatar, October 25-29, 2014.

Binyang Li, Lanjun Zhou, Zhongyu Wei, Kam-Fai Wong, Ruifeng Xu, Yunqing Xia: Web Information Mining and Decision Support Platform for the Modern Service Industry. ACL (System Demonstrations) 2014: 97-102

Gaoyan Ou, Wei Chen, Binyang Li, Tengjiao Wang, Dongqing Yang, Kam-Fai Wong, “CLUSM: An Unsupervised Model for Microblog Sentiment Analysis Incorporating Link Information, DASFAA(1) 2014:481-494

Lanjun Zhou, Binyang Li, Zhongyu Wei, Kam-Fai Wong, “The CHIK Discourse Treebank for Chinese: Annotating Explicit Discourse Connectives for the Chinese TreeBank”, LREC 2014:942-949

Lin Gui, Ruifeng Xu, Jun Xu, Li Yuan, Jiyun Zhou, Shuwei Wang, Qiaoyun Qiu, Kam-Fai Wong, Ricky Cheung, “A mixed model for cross lingual opinion analysis”, 2nd Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing, Chongqing, China, November 15-19, 2013.

Binyang Li, Kam-Fai Wong, Lanjun Zhou, Zhongyu Wei, Jun Xu: Pests Hidden in Your Fans: An Effective Approach for Opinion Leader Discovery. In Proc. 12th China National Conference on Computational Linguistic (CCL 2013), pp227-237, Suzhou, China, Oct 10-12, 2013.

Shi, Feng, Le Zhang, Binyang Li, Daling Wang, Ge Yu, Kam-Fai Wong, “Is Twitter s better corpus for measuring sentiment similarity?”, EMNLP2013, Seattle , USA, October 19-21, 2013.

Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK