
The careers of systems engineers are exciting and rewarding. They can help our society and businesses solve challenging problems and add value to existing operations. To prepare undergraduates to enter the business world, a final year project is required of each student. The topics of the projects are designed by professors, targeting problems in the daily operations of businesses, and students work in groups on a specific topic to gain collaboration experience.

At the same time, business leaders are invited to be project advisors, whose advice will stimulate our students to consider, as systems engineers, different perspectives in real-world situations, enhancing our students’ critical thinking ability, knowledge, and skills. The project advisors include leaders from local and international corporations such as All Nippon Airways, Convoy Financial Services, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, ESRI, FTI Consulting, HSBC, IKEA, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Prudential Brokerage, Toshiba, and UOB Kay Hian.

Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK