
The contributions of our faculty members have been recognized into the following areas:

  • Editorships
  • Awards and Recognition
  • Serving the Society


Our faculty members are leaders in their respective fields. In recognition of their leadership and contributions to research and innovations, they are invited or elected to serve as editors of top-tier professional journals, including:

  • ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing
  • ACM Transactions on Database Systems
  • Computer Speech and Language
  • Computers & Operations Research
  • EURO Journal on Computational Optimization
  • EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics
  • Fuzzy Decision Making and Optimization
  • IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing
  • IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
  • IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
  • IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
  • IIE Transactions on Operations Engineering
  • IIE Transactions on Scheduling and Logistics
  • Information and Decision Technologies
  • International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing
  • International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems
  • International Journal on Computational Linguistics
  • International Journal on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages
  • Journal of Computing Science and Engineering
  • Journal of Global Optimization
  • Journal of Information Processing
  • Journal of Scheduling
  • Journal on Distributed and Parallel Databases
  • Journal on Health Information Science and Systems
  • Mathematical Finance
  • Mathematics of Operations Research
  • Naval Research Logistics
  • Omega – International Journal of Management Science
  • Operations Research
  • Optimization Methods and Software
  • Quantitative Finance
  • Reliability Engineering and System Safety
  • SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
  • SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics
  • SIAM Journal on Optimization
  • Speech Communication
  • The VLDB Journal
  • Transportation Science
  • World Wide Web Journal

Awards and Recognition

Our programmes are led by a team of active, energetic and dynamic faculty members.  Research outputs from our faculty and students have also won numerous international and regional awards and honours, including:

  • Appointed member of the Hong Kong Logistics Development Council (LOGSCOUNCIL) 2014-16.
  • Best Oral Paper Award in the Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2010
  • Best Paper of the 15th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA’10) 2010
  • Best Paper of the 21th Australasian Database Conference (ADC’10) 2010
  • Best Paper Award in the 26th Australasian Database Conference (ADC’15) 2015
  • Best Paper award of the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering 2016
  • CUHK Research Excellence Award 2016-17
  • Distinguished Project Award of China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fair 2016
  • Elected Distinguished Lecturer of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)
  • Elected Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (2014)
  • Elected Fellow of the International Speech Communication Association (2016)
  • Elected Member of IEEE Board of Governors
  • Elected Member of IEEE Speech and Language Processing Technical Committee
  • Fellow of HKIE
  • Fellow of IEEE
  • Humboldt Distinguished Lecture 2013
  • IBM Faculty Award 2016
  • IEEE Communications Society Asia-Pacific Outstanding Paper Award 2014
  • IEEE Signal Processing Society Signal Processing Magazine Best Paper Award 2015
  • Inaugural Distinguished Lecturer of APSIPA (Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association) 2012-2014
  • INFORMS Optimization Society Young Researcher Prize 2010
  • Invited Speaker of Okawa Prize 2012 Commemorative Symposium
  • Keynote Speaker of National Conference on ManMachine Speech Communication 2011
  • Microsoft Research Outstanding Collaborator Award 2016
  • Outstanding Fellow of the Faculty of Engineering 2015 for five years
  • Outstanding ICT Women Professional Award of the Hong Kong Computer Society 2015
  • Overview Speaker of IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing 2011
  • Plenary Speaker of CogInfoComm 2013
  • Shenzhen Municipal Government “Peng Cheng” Visiting Professorship 2010 – Present

Serving the Society 

Our faculty members have been active in serving societal roles that are related to their expertise:

  • Academic Committee, The Chinese National Research Center of Mathematics and CrossDisciplinary Science, Department of Finance and Economics
  • Ad hoc reviewer of Mathematical Finance, Finance and Stochastics, Operations Research, Annals of Applied Probability, etc
  • Chinese Language Interface Advisory Committee, appointed by the Deputy Government Chief Information Officer
  • Convenor, Engineering Panel, University Grants Council’s Competitive Research Funding for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector
  • Convenor, Working Party on 2014 Manpower Survey of the Information Technology Sector, Committee on Information Technology Training and Development of the Vocational Training Council
  • Council Member, Hong Kong Productivity Council, appointed by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development
  • Council Member, The Open University of Hong Kong
  • Digital 21 Strategy Advisory Committee, appointed by the Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology
  • Elected Board Member, International Speech Communication Association
  • Elected Vice-President of Professional Development, Hong Kong Computer Society
  • Engineering Panel Member, Research Grants Council
  • General Chair, International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing
  • HKIE Accreditation Committee for Computer Science Programs, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
  • IEEE Speech and Language Technical Committee
  • Joint Committee on Information Technology for the Social Welfare Sector, appointed by the Director of Social Welfare
  • Keynote Speaker of the International Symposium on Scheduling (2013), Tokyo, Japan
  • Member of the Lottery Funds Advisory Committee, appointed by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare
  • Member of the Research Grants Council, The Hong Kong SAR Government
  • Member of the Steering Committee in eHR (electronic Health Record) Sharing, appointed by the Secretary of Food and Health, The Hong Kong SAR Government
  • Member of the Working Group on Competitive Research Funding for Local Self-financing Degree Sector, appointed by the RGC Chairman
  • Panel of Assessors, The Innovation and Technology Support Programme, appointed by the Commissioner of Innovation and Technology
  • Panel of Assessors, The Small Entrepreneur Research Assistance Programme, appointed by the Commissioner of Innovation and Technology
  • President, Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council
  • Review Panel, National Centres of Competence in Research, Swiss National Science Foundation
  • Review Panel, National Natural Science Foundation of China
  • Review Panel, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada 
  • Review Panel, Swedish Research Council European Research Infrastructure Initiative
  • Scientific Pogramme Chair, 19th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, 2011, Melbourne, Australia
  • Task Force on Facilitating the Adoption of Wireless and Mobile Services and Technology (FAWMST), appointed by the Government Chief Information Officer
  • Technical Chair, Oriental Chapter of the International Committee for the Co-ordination and Standardization of Speech Databases and Assessment Techniques
  • Technical Program Co-Chair, Interspeech 
  • Technology Consultant, Technology Services Division, The Hong Kong SAR Government
  • The Central Committee on Information Technology for Rehabilitation Services, appointed by the Director of Social Welfare
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK