
The Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management was established in the year 1991 (in the name of Department of Systems Engineering) as the first of its kind in tertiary educational institutions in Hong Kong.  In August the same year, the Department was one of the 4 founding departments of the newly established Faculty of Engineering.  In the past twenty seven years, the Department not only has made itself become a regional and internationally renowned academic program, but also has contributed significantly to the growth of the Faculty, by its vigorous pursuit in teaching, research and service.

The Department offers two undergraduate programmes.  The Bachelor of Engineering in Systems Engineering and Engineering Management is currently organized around four focal areas: Business Information Systems; Financial Engineering; Logistics and Supply Chain Management; and Service Engineering and Management.  The Bachelor of Engineering in Financial Technology was newly launched in last year to meet foreseeable strong demands for FinTech professionals in the coming decades. At the graduate level, the Department offers research-based programmes leading to Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).  The Department also offers two course-based programmes leading to the degree of Master of Science (M.Sc.).  The first taught master programme, MSc programme in Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, launched in 1996.  In 1998, the Faculty started to offer MSc programme in E-Commerce (Technologies) which was administrated by the SEEM Department.  The programme (renamed to MSc in E-Commerce and Logistics Technologies in 2006) is now affiliated with the Department since 2008.

Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK