
Hong Kong is one of the world’s logistics and supply chain management hubs, which expands to include non-industrial operations involving supply, distribution, transportation, communication and information handling, medical care and safety. According to The Association for Operations Management (APICS), nowadays supply chain management covers the design, planning, execution, control, and monitoring of supply chain activities with the objective of creating net value, building a competitive infrastructure, leveraging worldwide logistics, synchronizing supply with demand and measuring performance globally.

To increase the agility and flexibility of today’s complex business environment, systems engineers can process huge amounts of business data for decision-making, optimization, and effective execution along the supply chain networks. They possess professional knowledge in the design and control of these operational and information-rich systems, which require the use of many different kinds of scientific management methodologies.

Coordinated Decisions of Manufacturer/Distributor in a Fresh Product Supply Chain Involving Long Distance Transportation

X. Cai and Gang Yu We consider a supply chain where a manufacturer produces a variety of fresh products to supply to a distributor in a distant export market. The manufacturer faces the risk that a fresh product may decay during the process of long...

Pricing, Production and Delivery Decisions, and Cooperative Strategies in a Supply Chain with Products of Time-Varying Values

X. Cai and J. ChenMany industries face the problem of manufacturing and selling products of time-varying values. Due to the time-varying nature of product values, determining the proper decisions and strategies regarding the best timing to offer new...

The Impact of a Target on Newsvendor Decisions

Z.Y. Long In this paper we investigate the impact of a target on newsvendor decisions. Different to the existing approach that maximizes the probability of the profit reaching the target, in this paper we model the effect of a target by maximizing...
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK