
SEEM5010 Advanced Database and Information Systems

Database and information system design and control: advanced data structures, query optimization, recovery, concurrency control, deadlock resolution and recovery. Distributed system environment. Object-oriented approach. Engineering application: requirements...

SEEM5330 Speech and Language Processing

Human-computer interaction using speech and language processing draws from the perspectives of speech science, linguistics, modeling techniques and algorithms from engineering, as well as system implementations.  This course presents fundamentals...

SEEM5470 Knowledge Systems

The roles of knowledge systems in problem solving. Automation of commonsense reasoning. Non-monotonic and Plausible reasoning. Representation and reasoning about quantities, measurements, time, space, and physics. Knowledge systems to represent mind,...

SEEM5560 E-Commerce Systems

This course introduces some basic principles of information technologies/systems management, business models and strategies for e-commerce. We will cover technologies and infrastructure required to support electronic commerce, for example, open systems,...

SEEM5620 Data Warehousing for Financial Engineering

This course addresses the data and decision aspects of financial information systems. The data aspect includes collection, cleansing, storage, and retrieval of quantitative and qualitative financial data. The decision aspect include on-line analytical...

SEEM5640 Human-Computer Spoken Language Systems

Principles and theories underlying the design and implementation of human-computer spoken language systems. Component technologies including multilingual speech recognition, natural language understanding, dialog modelling, speech synthesis. Related...

SEEM5680 Text Mining Models and Application

This course covers basic mining models that are able to discover useful patterns and knowledge from text data. The form of text data ranges from semi-structured representation to free natural language texts. It discusses retrieval models as well as learning...
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK