
Placement and Internship Programme (PIP) offers a direct communication channel between our students and their potential employers. PIP offers opportunities of internships, career talks, seminars, summer jobs and placement which are collectively managed under the Student Placement and Internship Programme (PIP). All students are welcome to join PIP.

Strategic Advantage of PIP

  • Stay ahead in the job competition by catching up our job advertisement, seminars etc: PIP provides first-hand information and contacts with many established corporations and companies. Join PIP and register immediately to access information on the latest job offers, seminars etc.
  • Earn valuable working experience before graduation: Join the work study programme to learn more about your future working environment. The relevant experience also Increases your chance to be selected by your future employer.
  • Establish business network with your fellow colleagues: the work study programme offered by PIP will allow you to meet more new friends and colleagues who could provide you with invaluable insights in your career choice.
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK