

This laboratory supports research and teaching in E-Services technology. Through this laboratory, we aim to broaden and strengthen the service industry of Hong Kong and help transform the local service industry from the traditional labour-intensive paradigm to a sophisticated Internet-based electronic service paradigm. The laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment to support both research and teaching. The latest PCs and enterprise servers are interconnected by a high-speed network. This provides an ideal environment to support sophisticated commercial systems and software. Our research focuses on decision methodology and information systems to improve service business operations. In one on-going project, we develop RFID-enabled sensing technologies for service operations. The project plans to develop a configurable RFID hardware platform, which cannot be found in any of the commercially available active RFID technologies to house various external sensor and utility modules based on different monitoring needs.


Our research focuses on decision methodology and information systems to improve service business operations. Our current research projects include:

  •   Decision Methodology for E-Commerce
  •   Information Extraction and Mining
  •   Internet Marketing
  •   Open Component Foundation for E-Business;
  •   Open Ended Question Analysis;
  •   Travel-time Estimation Engine;
  •   Vehicle Assignment and Navigation Systems (VANS)


  •   Prof. CAI, Xiaoqiang
  •   Prof. LAM, Wai
  •   Prof. WONG, Kam Fai
  •   Prof. YU, Xu Jeffrey
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK