Virtual Geographic Environments Conference
Key Note Speech
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Virtual Geographic Environments As Collective Constructions |
Michael F. Goodchild |
The Multi-Representation of Space-Time Information |
Donna J.Peuquet |
Virtual Kyoto |
Keiji Yano |
Empowering the Web with the Location |
Vincent Tao |
Human-computer interfaces involving spatial visualization
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To see and see through graphics - Toward affordance-driven geovisualization |
Liqiu Meng |
O' Jerusalem: A Decision Support System for Jerusalem (O JDSS) |
Juval Portugali |
Modelling Contextual Knowledge for Adaptive Geographic Visualization |
Guoray Cai |
Visualizing geographic phenomena in new information spaces
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Visualizing future 3-dimensional neighborhoods in Phoenix: An application of incorporating empirical methods with computational graphics |
Subhrajit Guhathakurta, Ariane Middel |
Assessing the Availability of Virtual Geographic Environment |
Gang Wan |
The Study on Multi-style Interaction in Virtual Geographic Environment |
Yongning Wen |
Digital Urban: The Visual City |
Andrew Hudson-Smith |
Public domain GIS, cartography and visualization
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Evaluating Real-Time Landscape Visualization Techniques for Public Communication of Energy Crop Planting Scenarios |
Andrew Lovett |
A Case Study on Multi-Agent Based Simulation of Pedestrian Crowds in Outdoor Events of Hong Kong |
Lei Wu, Hui Lin, Jingjing Shi |
A MasterMap-Based Virtual Environment for Urban Planning |
Jialiang Yao |
Visualizing Childrenˇ¦s Walking Behaviour Using Portable Global Positioning Units (GPS) and Energy Expense Monitors |
Yi Gong |
Virtual environments for exploring and discovering spatial information
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Urban growth simulation models: an assist decision instrument for sustainable development of little cities in metropolitan areas of Latin America |
Cristian Gabriel Terreno |
Visualizing impacts of public transportation policies on shops' market share |
Ping Chen |
Virtual 3D Models in Urban Design: Case studies in Tokyo and Fukuoka |
Michihiko Shinozaki |
Digital Earth with Digital Measurable Images |
Deren Li |
Advances in Collaborative 3D and 4D visualization environments
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Towards Effective Interaction in 3D Data Visualizations: What can we learn from videogames technology? |
Ifan Shepherd, Iestyn Bleasdale-shepherd |
Networked Collaborative Virtual Geographic Environments: Design and Implementation |
Jianhua Gong |
An on-line design review tool for agreement of townscape rules among stakeholders on the Internet environment |
Zhenjiang Shen, Mitsuhiko Kawakami, Masayasu Tsunekawa |
Applying Virtual Reality in the Environmental Sciences: Four Years on From Building The Social Science for the Environment, Virtual Reality and Experimental Laboratory, What Have We Learnt? |
Simon Jude, Katy Appleton, Andrew Lovett |
Locomotion and navigation in Geovisualization ˇV Method
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VGE-based Hierarchical Routing and Navigation Method |
Yuan Li, Qing Zhu |
A Framework of Orienting Pedestrians by Matching Natural Spatial Descriptions with Sidewalk Networks |
Masatoshi Arikawa, Kouzou Noaki, Hideyuki Fujita, Akihiro Ome |
Hybrid Dynamic 3D Image-based Personal Navigation System Studies |
Weijie Mi |
Locomotion and navigation in Geovisualization ˇV Devices
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Readability of Maps on Mobile Phones |
Kazuki Yanagisawa, Tohru Yoshikawa |
Non-photorealistic Rendering on Mobile Devices and its Usability Concerns |
Mathias Jahnke, Liqiu Meng |
Exploring spatial uncertainty of GPS coordinates and DEM interpolation in virtual environments |
Jing Li, Claire Jarvis, Chris Brunsdon |
Real and abstract representation in virtual environments
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Multi-sensory Data Representation in Virtual Worlds: abstraction or pragmatism? |
Ifan Shepherd |
GIS and CG Integrated System for Automatic Generation of 3-D Building Models based on a Digital Map |
Kenichi Sugihara, Yoshitugu Hayashi |
Geographic Model Integration in Virtual Geographic Environments |
Hui Yang |
VR Driving Simulator as a tool to study drivers' Spatial Behavior and Cognitive Maps |
Oz Shalom |