With the support form the Science and Technology Committee (STC) of the Ministry of Construction, P. R. China (MOC), the Center for Housing Innovations (CHI) was established in 1998 in the Department of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. CHI focuses on housing researches, as well as studies in environmental simulation, sustainable planning, and green architecture. CHI has carried out academic research and relevant activities, such as the China Urban Housing Conference, educational programs or consultation projects, in multi-disciplinary research domains on housing estate planning and environmental design, urban and landscape ecology, land and water environmental impact assessment, atmosphere environment studies and urban planning support, urban intelligent

transportation system, digital urban planning technologies and standardization, and so on. CHI has also contributed to the China urban housing research over the years in multiple dimensions, including the study of the National Strategic Plan on Energy Efficiency, the study of the National GB Performance-based Building Guideline, the study of GB National Code to regulate the internal air-duct and elevator for domestic use. Other significant research projects of CHI include the Architectural Studies of Air Flow at Amoy Garden and Its Possible Relevance to the Spread of SARS, the Strategic Partnership with HKSAR Housing Department, the Rapidly Assembled Isolation Patient Ward, and the Environmental Planning of Tongzhou New Town of Beijing. As a division of the Institute, CHI also works together with other researchers of the Institute in mid-to-micro-scales urban and environmental studies. CHI joins with the Institute to design and build the Phase 1 and 2 of the Satellite Remote Sensing Ground Receiving Station.