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September 24, 2016

港數據分析支援「一帶一路」 (Chinese Only)


September 24, 2016

衛星為機場「體檢」一晚搞掂 提升效率人手檢測需時三周 (Chinese Only)


July 10, 2016

CUHK ISEIS PhD Graduate Wins AXA Research Fund Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Dr. Ma Peifeng, a PhD graduate of the Institute of Space and Earth Science (ISEIS) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), has been awarded a 2016 AXA Research Fund Post-Doctoral Fellowship. Dr. Ma is the only recipient from the greater China region this year, and also the first one from CUHK. ....

June 14, 2016

CUHK ISEIS Holds International Workshop on South China Sea Coastal and Ocean Meso-scale Processes

The Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) recently held the International Workshop on South China Sea Coastal and Ocean Meso-scale Processes at the Fok Ying Tung Remote Sensing Science Building on campus. Ocean meso-scale processes are dynamic phenomena with spatial scales from tens to several hundreds of kilometres and temporal scales of several weeks. A typical ocean meso-scale phenomenon is meso-scale eddy, an ocean current vortex with a diameter of tens to hundreds of kilometres....

June 6, 2016

CUHK ISEIS Assists AFCD in Assessing Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture in Hong Kong Coastal Water

A research team led by Prof. Pan Jiayi of the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has developed a forecast system for coastal marine dynamic environments. It aims to assist the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) of the HKSAR Government in analysing the carrying capacity of the Hong Kong coastal regime, with a view to providing the local aquaculture industry with useful information. The development of the system was supported by the Hong Kong Government’s Innovation and Technology Fund...

April 5, 2016

CUHK ISEIS Conducts a Joint Field Work with Four Universities in China and US on Urban Remote Sensing in the Pearl River Delta, China

The Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has recently conducted a collaborative field work on current land use and land cover (LULC) and urban morphology in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), China, jointly with Indiana State University (ISU), Wuhan University (WHU) and South China Normal University (SCNU) . The project team published a research monograph entitled Remote Sensing of Impervious Surfaces in Tropical and Subtropical Areas in September 2015...

January 19, 2016

CUHK ISEIS Celebrates its Tenth Anniversary

The Institute of Space and Earth Science (ISEIS) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) celebrated its 10th anniversary recently. Officiating guests were Prof. Michael HUI, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, Prof. XU Guanhua, former minister at the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China (MOST), and Prof. LI Lu, Director General of Education, Science and Technology Department, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Over 200 ISEIS staff and students as well as guests from local and overseas institutions attended the ceremony...

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