
***Important Note to Participant***
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Background and Objective

The rapid economic growth in the Pearl River Delta in the past 15-20 years has provided economic opportunities for many of its habitants and has attracted investment and people from outside the region. The resulting population growth and increase in under-regulated business practices has put tremendous stress on the environment. Now there is (grave) concern regarding the deteriorating the environmental quality and regional climate which may hinder sustainable growth and further economic development. Since pollution of all types is affected by emissions from surrounding cities and counties, a regional approach is needed for a full assessment of its impact and the development of appropriate solutions.

The objective of the conference is to bring together expertise in air and water pollution, climate and planning, and stake holders from the commercial sector, environmental groups and government agencies to assess the impact of pollution on the regional climate change, environment conditions and economic development. It serves as a forum for information exchange and networking for further joint activities and collaboration.

  • Air quality remote sensing
  • Pollution and climate modeling
  • Water quality monitoring
  • Coastal remote sensing
  • Monitoring landuse/land cover change in the PRD region
  • Monitoring and modelling urbanisation process in the PRD region
  • Regional collaboration and education prospects
  • Multi-spectral and hyper-spectral remote sensing
  • Lidar remote sensing
  • Microwave remote sensing
  • Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing
Conference languages:

Chinese and English


Selected conference papers will be published in a refereed journal or book.

Call for Abstracts

Authors are invited to submit an abstracts of 500 words to the conference secretariat by September 30, 2007. The abstract should clearly indicate the existing results of research and applications related to the themes of the conference. Please follow the instruction in the conference website to register for abstracts submission.
Online Abstract Submission

Important Dates:
October 15, 2007 Abstract due
October 31, 2007 Notification of abstract acceptance
December 1, 2007 Full paper due
December 1, 2007 Close of early registration
January 10-11, 2008 Conference
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