Advanced Workshop on 
Spatial Information Technologies for Emergency Management
Introduction Speakers Abstracts Program Registration Contact Us


Earthquakes, floods, droughts, pollutions and many other natural and man-made disasters are severe threats to China. Especially in South China, where 85% of natural disasters of China occur due to the prone-rain and cloudy weather conditions. In the foreseeable future, the double impacts of global climate changes and the rapid economic growth imply that the disasters can cost greater damages to properties and loss of human life in the region.

Tremendous amount of efforts have been put into environmental monitoring, disaster mitigation and early warming system developments. This workshop invited two distinguished scientists sharing not only the cutting-edge research results but also their practical experiments in the system implementations. Our speakers will share the latest developments in Laser Scanning Technologies, Mobile Mapping, Global Positioning System (GPS), Satellite Remote Sensing and Unmanned Aerial vehicles (UAV) as well as an integral strategy of applying the technologies in environmental monitoring, damage simulation, optimal allocation of resources in disaster mitigation planning. This workshop offers a rare chance for the local professionals to explore the opportunities of the technological developments and exchange the practical experiences with the leading scientists.

The workshop will be hosted in the latest Fok Ying Tung Remote Sensing Science Building in the beautiful campus of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. We look forwarding to seeing you in April.

Who should attend

Land Surveyors,
Civil Engineers,
Geotechnical Engineers,
Urban Planners;
Environmental Scientists;
Geomatics Consultants;
Rescue Planning and Operations Officer; and
Disaster Mitigation and Response Managers;


Supporting Organization:

Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
(Environmental Division)

Hong Kong Institute of Planners

Royal Institution of
Chartered Surveyors

The Institution of
Engineering and
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