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博群計劃舉辦「一日大學生」長者大學體驗日活動,由學生主導策劃,為長者提供一個親身體驗大學生活的平臺,親身感受包括大學課堂、校園遊覽、午餐交流、畢業典禮等具有大學特色的元素,助長者實現體驗大學生活的夢想。與此同時,是次活動也是過往「鄉郊長者關懷行動」以及「UCARE 愛老不虐老」的延續,邀請在以上兩個項目中服務過的長者參與,鞏固並加深長者與學生義工之間的關係,進一步促進長幼共融。
合作機構: 香港基督教女青年會秀群松柏社區服務中心 服務人數: 100 位長者 活動日期: 2017 年 3 月 25 日(星期六)
電話:3943 9859
The Elderly University Experiential Day under I·CARE Programme aims at providing a platform for elderly to experience university life elements involving lectures attending, campus tour, group lunch and graduation ceremony. Meanwhile, in this project, elderly people from the Northern District who had previously taken part in service projects organised by I·CARE Centre (formerly known as I·CARE Programme) will be invited as a continuous process of past service projects to deepen the relationship between elderly and students.
Project Objectives:
Providing an opportunity to elderly people to experience university life to fulfil their dream of being a university graduate.
Deepening the relationship between elderly people and the young generation to promote the cohesion.
Enhancing the capability of students in organizing as well as executing mass programs.
Partner Agency: Ellen Li District Elderly Community Centre Service Target: 100 elderly people Date: 25 March 2017 (Saturday)
Miss He of I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development
Tel: 3943 9859
Email: athenahe@cuhk.edu.hk