2018-19 服務計劃在中大 Service projects @CUHK 2018-19

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在 2018-19 年度,博群計劃已落實支持社會服務計劃,服務有需要人士,當中包括本地、內地及海外地區的服務項目,讓同學參與其中,服務社群。

後生女齊預防 ── 子宮頸癌

主辦學院/學系/學生組織:中大同學 預計中大參加同學人數:6 地點:香港




主辦學院/學系/學生組織:中大同學 預計中大參加同學人數:14 地點:香港



主辦學院/學系/學生組織:扶葭 預計中大參加同學人數:9 地點:廣州

廣州「穗」義教項目旨在幫助流動兒童認識及融入廣州。我們也希望帶孩子們瞭解廣州豐富的公共教育資源,以此改善因家境不均帶來的教育資源不均狀況。 在「穗」項目中,孩子們不僅能參與內容豐富的趣味課堂,而且可以與志願者一起探索他們生活的這座城市。我們希望讓孩子們感受到真切的關懷,能夠在這座繁華的城市中茁壯成長。

2018-2019 扶葭深圳項目

主辦學院/學系/學生組織:扶葭 預計中大參加同學人數:10 地點:深圳

「扶葭深圳項目」由扶葭公益團隊發起,致力於服務廣東深圳龍華新區元芬社區和南山區明珠街社區(大量外來務工人員集中居住地)的 6-12 歲流動兒童。本次項目與深圳市龍崗區至誠社會工作服務中心合作,開展為期一年(半年為一個單位元)的系列週末假期活動。活動期間,志願者為孩子們設計以 〝職業體驗〞為主題的豐富多彩的活動,幫助流動兒童找到自己的人生定位。


主辦學院/學系/學生組織:崇基雲上太陽 預計中大參加同學人數:30 地點:江西

自 2012 年,崇基學院學生會雲上太陽服務團便展開維持每個學期一次的義教工作,目的地主要包括國內的山區小學,也曾到國外較貧困的國家。在這一次活動裡,我們把目的地定在中國江西,於當地的小學進行義教。教學方面,我們一如以往貫徹「互動教學」,希望能透過生動及具啟發性的教學,讓當地學生有不一樣的學習體驗。同時, 交流方面,我們會主動與當地兒童接觸,並相互勉勵,成為彼此的同行者,並藉此讓他們認識不同的文化,擴闊自己的眼界。

「簡」單愛 ── 柬埔寨暹粒國際服務團

主辦學院/學系/學生組織:崇基扶輪社會服務團 預計中大參加同學人數:20 地點:柬埔寨

柬埔寨是一個既貧困又落後的國家,可是學校經常要求學生繳付行政、教材費用等,導致許多兒童因家庭財政問題不能上學。這些兒童被逼放棄學業,放棄將來找到穩定工作和收入的機會,無法為下一代創造美好的環境。 因此,我們希望透過服務團,參加者可以通過義教為柬埔寨兒童提供免費教育,提升他們的學習興趣,停止此惡性循環。

2018-2019 扶葭武漢種子項目

主辦學院/學系/學生組織:扶葭 預計中大參加同學人數:12 地點:武漢

SEED 項目最初由扶葭公益在 2013 年發起,已連續五年成功舉辦。該項目旨在為當地留守兒童提供高質量的志願服務。

不同於傳統的義教活動,SEED 以夏令營為形式,由大學生與當地留守兒童共同參與,通過趣味課堂,歷奇遊戲,聯誼活動等多種形式幫助留守兒童開拓視野,豐富知識,提高興趣,促進他們全面發展。


回收高質二手衫 祝福清萊阿卡族

主辦學院/學系/學生組織:中大同學 預計中大參加同學人數:4 地點:泰國


  1. 提升大專學生及其家人對本地「過度消費」問題的意識,同時強化他們作為世界公民、關心不同地方需要的視野;

  2. 收集各年齡層高質素的二手衣服;及

  3. 運送二手衣物到泰北清萊阿卡族的社區(根據我上次探訪,他們被視為泰國二等公民,享有極少社區幫助)

「勇敢的階梯」── 運用認知行為治療及虛擬實景技術於支援受社交焦慮困擾的特殊學習需要學童介入計劃

主辦學院/學系/學生組織:中大同學 預計中大參加同學人數:13 地點:香港


是次計劃與本地著名的 SEN 學童服務機構「協康會」的教育心理學家團隊合作,將於 2019 年 6-9 月進行小組治療。小組將參考不同的外國實證為本的教材,結合認知行為治療的系統減敏法及虛擬實境技術,讓參加學童在家長指導下克服社交而來的焦慮情緒,而家長亦能掌握有關介入技巧。

是次計劃亦有不同的專門支援。計劃的監督為香港中文大學教育心理學系的鍾民祥教授。鍾教授於輔導、精神健康等有十分豐富的經驗,能為計劃帶來專業的指引。協康會的教育心理學家團隊亦會作出督導,他們對於服務 SEN 學童累積了豐富的經驗。

小組包括 3 節家長小組、6 節學生小組及 6-8 節親子⼩組,計劃以先導模式進行,為確保療效,每節小組以 6 對親子為限,並預計是次計劃能有 14 對親子受惠。過程中亦會邀請於中文大學就讀輔導、社工或心理學系的同學成為義工,為個案作更緊密跟進。

為令更多學童能夠於是次資助中受惠,而是次計劃亦為全港少有應對 SEN 學童的精神健康,並結合理論與科技的介入計劃;計劃完成後,團隊亦會整合所有教材及小組內容,發表教材套。讓是次小組的介入能夠讓同業作應用或參考,推動同業關注有關群體的服務需要。

友· 庇 · 無患

主辦學院/學系/學生組織:中大同學 預計中大參加同學⼈數:50 地點:香港 對象:香港的尋求庇護者

背景:近幾年來,世界各地已有 6850 萬人在,生命受威脅下被迫離鄉別井。他們主要來自南亞和非洲國家。作為《聯合國禁止酷刑公約》的簽署機構,香港有義務為尋求庇護者提供保護。

問題:然而,尋求庇護者在港的生活非常困難:(一)每月不超過 3,000 港元的生活援助,並禁止工作 ;以及承受(二)社會大眾的種種誤解。



同心童行 彩虹橋

主辦學院/學系/學生組織:中大同學 預計中大參加同學人數:40 地點:香港

香港兔唇顎裂協會是唯 ── 家為唇顎裂患者及其父母/看護人提供支援服務的非牟利機構。我們希望與這個機構合作,提供各種創意活動,加強唇顎裂兒童的自信心,發揮他們的長處,提高他們的抗逆能力。


我們的項目將於 2019 年 9 月至 2020 年 2 月期間舉辦,內容包括:義工培訓、中心聚會和課外活動等。活動將會於每一個月舉行兩次,而每一個月都有一個主題,分別為手工、烹飪、閱讀、音樂、與動植物接觸。我們期望透過進行一系列的遊戲和活動,讓兒童建立個人興趣,提升他們的自信心和抗逆能力。此外,此計畫的核心成員和義工會成為兒童的組爸媽、朋友和導師,與他們分享生活和學習經驗,並提供個人指導。我們希望瞭解患唇顎裂兒童的心理需求,並增強與弱勢兒童的人際交往能力。

「求真 · 尋欣」同行濕疹

主辦學院/學系/學生組織:中大同學 預計中大參加同學人數:7 地點:香港

濕疹患者長年受到濕疹困擾,不僅要面對皮膚不適帶來的情緒,更要面對朋輩壓力。親友看著家人長期不適, 同樣十分痛心。此計劃從照顧患者家庭的心靈健康出發, 透過教授瑜珈及禪繞畫(Zentangle),培養患者自行舒緩負面情緒,讓心靈平靜及愉悅的能力。同時,我們希望透過遊戲和製作美味食物,讓參加者能一同感受歡樂,並鼓勵照顧者與患者共同樂觀面對濕疹。


主辦學院/學系/學生組織:扶葭 預計中大參加同學人數:14 地點:福建


流動學童寄宿學習中心(福建 · 三沙)

主辦學院/學系/學生組織:中大同學 預計中大參加同學人數:1 地點:福建

「留守兒童」(Left-Behind Children)問題以外,有另一個狀況未被廣泛關注 ── 流動學童 (Commute Schoolchild)問題。隨著農村家長對城市教學的迷思及攀比心態驅使等原因紛紛將(特別是小學)本來在自己村莊就讀孩子送進城裏,但隨之而來的寄養服務素質/安全、經濟及家庭成員關係等問題的產生。 本項目將以福建三沙鎮為試點,通過提供寄養服務(含宿舍、圖書室、讀書房等功用場所)和系列學習活動的展開,目標為流動學童提供家庭式照顧服務與課業輔導,亦可接觸家長,傳播教育觀念,使農村學校回歸。

2019 醫心四川醫護教育及服務團





尼泊爾醫療社會服務 ── 納姆塔計劃 4






主辦學院/學系/學生組織:Doctor of Excellence



在許多發展中國家,他們的衛生意識不太好。我們希望提⾼柬埔寨人的健康意識,從而提高他們的生活質素。這次義工團也是一個非常難得的機會,讓 19 名香港中文大學的醫學生體會並反省自己,用關懷的心去服務有需要的人。我們會為當地人提供健康檢查,如發現有問題,就能立即轉介給當地的醫生,讓他們發病或病情惡化前得到治療。我們也有健康講座以提高當地人的健康意識。

拓荒 · 高棉 柬埔寨義工服務團 2019

主辦學院/學系/學生組織:拓荒 · 高棉



本年夏季項目將於 2019 年 6 月 9 日至 6 月 20 日在蒲樸小學和三龍市小學進行,都是我們去年的服務對象。據上次考察可見,蒲樸小學的學生及其家人對吸煙與酗酒的認識薄弱,尤其不瞭解這些習慣帶來的損害。而且,該校舍的環境衛生亦較差,當地的教師亦提及希望此次教材以煙酒禍害及環境衛生作為題目。在這個暑假,項目 A 將會在蒲樸小學興建焚化爐,旨在為學生提供設備處理垃圾,配合項目 B 對環境衛生相關的健康教育。






自 2012 年,崇基學院學生會雲上太陽服務團便展開維持每個學期一次的義教工作,目的地主要包括國內的山區小學,也曾到國外較貧困的國家。在這一次活動裡,我們把目的地定在柬埔寨,為當地的小學生義教。教學方面,我們一如以往貫徹「互動教學」,希望能透過生動及具啟發性的教學,讓當地學生有不一樣的學習體驗。同時,交流方面,我們會主動與當地兒童接觸,並相互勉勵,成為彼此的同⾏者。



電話:3943 8621 電郵:icare@cuhk.edu.hk

In year 2018-19, I‧CARE Programme continues to support social service projects, in which thousands of clients in local community, mainland China and overseas countries will be benefited.

Gather Youth Power, Bye Cervical Cancer!

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 6

Project Location: Hong Kong

The project aims at raising both Chinese and South Asian secondary school girl students’ awareness and knowledge towards cervical cancer and promote the uptake rate of HPV vaccine. Firstly, a health talk will explain basic knowledge of human anatomy and how cervical cancer is developed as well as preventive measures. Secondly, small group tutorials will clarify participants’ concern about HPV vaccine and their myths and misconception. Furthermore, a booklet with cervical cancer-related and HPV vaccine information will be distributed.


Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 14

Project Location: Hong Kong

The project is initiated by a group of early childhood education students aiming at helping children from drug addict families. Through music, physical activities, art and games, the children will learn to express their emotions as well as self-regulation. Moreover, the project involves parent-child activities to enable positive parent-child interaction and help the parents gain self-confidence in parenting.

The Guangzhou Tassel Voluntary Project

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Fujia

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 9

Project Location: Guangzhou

The project aims at helping migrant children integrate into Guangzhou by providing voluntary educational services in primary school. Volunteers will lead children into the involvement of public educational resources in Guangzhou to decline the influence of uneven distribution of educational resources brought by family wealth inequality. The activities also include classes and outdoor exploration activities to broaden children’s horizons and deepen their understanding and interest in knowledge.

2018-2019 Fujia Shenzhen Program

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Fujia

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 10

Project Location: Shenzhen

The project aims to provide voluntary services to migrant children in Shenzhen to enrich their afterschool lives. Titled “Professional Try-outs”, the volunteers will spend 10 weekends holding activities covering various areas such as handcrafts, tiny scientific experiments and knowledge competition games to provide children with occupational experience. This is expected to help them find what they want to do in the future.

Chung Chi The Suns Trip to Jiangxi

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Chung Chi The Suns

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 30

Project Location: Jiangxi

The volunteers are going to conduct voluntary teaching at a local primary school in Jiangxi Province with interactive teaching as core value. The children will be offered different learning experiences through lively and inspiring teaching. Cultural exchange activities will also be included to widen the children’s horizon.

Cambodia Siem Reap Voluntary Teaching Service Trip

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Rotaract Club of Chung Chi College

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 20

Project Location: Cambodia

The service trip aims at improving the children’s living quality and fostering their learning incentives through volunteer teaching and rehabilitation work in a local primary school. English and Maths will be taught in hopes of equipping the children with crucial knowledge, strategic thinking and communication skills that will aid them in future professions. Extra-curricular activities i.e. sports, science, arts will also be implemented to develop teamwork and creativity for children.

2018-2019 Fujia Wuhan Program

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Fujia

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 12

Project Location: Wuhan

This is an on-going project providing voluntary teaching service to the left-behind children in Wuhan, China. The project includes various kinds of activities such as fun classes, adventure games and networking activities to promote the whole-person development of the children.

Blessing the Akha communities with high quality second-hand clothes

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 4

Project Location: Thailand

The project aims at encouraging the university students together with their family to donate their second-hand clothes in high quality. Then, the donated clothes are planned to be delivered to the Akha communities in Chiang Rai in Thailand where insufficient social welfare could be obtained.

Bravery Ladders - A subclinical group for SEN students comorbid with social anxiety with application of CBT and VR Technology

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 13

Project Location: Hong Kong

This project will cooperate with Heep Hong Society targeting on providing group therapy to SEN children with Social Anxiety Disorder and their parents to meet the service gap that the escalating anxiety situation of SEN students but in lack of emotional intervention in the field. In the group therapy, the Virtual Reality (VR) technology will be applied to stimulate the effectiveness.

Love · Care · Boundaryless 360

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 50

Project Location: Hong Kong

It is an on-going project serving the asylum seekers in Hong Kong aiming at eliminating the misunderstanding among public through education and enhancing the asylum seekers’ social and psychological well-being. The project involves hand-made workshop, educational workshop, game therapy workshop as well as local cultural tour.

Hand in Hand We Across the Rainbow Land

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 40

Project Location: Hong Kong

This project will cooperate with the Hong Kong Association for Cleft Lip and Palate to provide services to children with cleft lip or palate and their caretakers. The project consists of a series of activities with special themes including handcraft, music, cooking to reinforce the children’s selfconfidence, strengths, resilience and promote all-round development.

Searching for authenticity and appreciation - in company with eczema

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 7

Project Location: Hong Kong

This project aims at serving the patients with eczema to share correct medical knowledge on treating eczema and encouraging participants to deal with eczema positively. Besides knowledge by professionals, the project also include yoga and Zentangle workshops to take care of the participants’ mental health.

Fujia Quanzhou Spring Project

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Fujia

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 14

Project Location: Fujian

It is newly-initiated project cooperated with the Fujian Education Aid Association serving local children whose parents are prisoners. The project is comprised of home visits, a training camp and field trip aiming at improving their relationship with parents and equipping them with necessary soft skills like social skills and communication skills.

Boarding & Learning Center for Commute Schoolchild in SanSha

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 1

Project Location: Fujian

The project focuses on the Commute Schoolchildren problem in mainland China whose parents send the children to cities or villages for education. However, it follows with problems of care quality, security, economy and relationship among family members. This project chooses Sansha as a pilot to offer family-based services with dormitory, library, learning activities and reading center to encourage the Commute Schoolchildren back to receive education.

2019 Medical Outreachers Sichuan Medical Education and Service Trip

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Medical Outreachers Hong Kong

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 13

Project Location: Sichuan

The project will continuously collaborate with MediCare Resource Ltd in organizing medical service trip in Sichuan, China. This year, the projects aims at creating sustainable impacts through establishing a comprehensive health curriculum for primary school students, engaging the teachers and locals in health education including sex education, balanced diet and common childhood diseases etc. It will also continue to promote health habits and improve the hygienic situation of local villages by doing home surveys and health checks within villages.

Nepal Medical Service Trip: Project Namtar 4

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Medical Outreachers Hong Kong

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 13

Project Location: Nepal

It is a continuous project targeting in Namtar, Nepal. The project is comprised of a health education curriculum to create behavioral change and give correct health concepts in primary and secondary schools. Also, a health camp to offer free health check and health promotion talks will be held to facilitate the use of existing health services. Furthermore, to further assess health needs, correct health misconceptions and distribute health materials, the project will conduct household visits.

Doctor of Excellence Cambodia Service Trip

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Doctor of Excellence

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 19

Project Location: Cambodia

This project aims at enhancing the awareness towards personal hygiene and health among the community in Cambodia where resources are not enough. A group of medical students will provide basic healthcare knowledge to the local people to strengthen their awareness of healthcare. Also, they will conduct basic health check including blood pressure measurement and eye-screening.

Pathfinder Cambodia Volunteer Service 2019

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Pathfinder

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 13

Project Location: Cambodia

The project will continuously be carried out in both Sanlong Leab Primary School and Popot Primary School in Cambodia. Due to the insufficient knowledge towards smoking and alcohol abuse and the poor campus environment there, the construction of incinerator and environmental hygiene education will be provided. In order to offer continuous health education, the students will work with the teachers to transfer the health knowledge into the textbooks of the school.

Sunshine in Cambodia

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Chung Chi The Suns Trip

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 17

Project Location: Cambodia

The students will go to Cambodia to provide voluntary teaching to the primary school students there. Interactive teaching will be applied to provide the children an inspiring and different learning experience including English learning, group games and science experiments. Furthermore, home visits will be conducted to get deeper knowledge of the background and need of the children and their families.


I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

Tel: 3943 8621

Email: icare@cuhk.edu.hk