思托邦第十八講:天下無道 ── 我對當前局勢的政治哲學反思 I·CARE Salon 18th Session

(Please scroll down for English version)

講者: 陳祖為教授 主持: 周保松教授(政治與行政學系) 日期: 2019 年 10 月 16 日(星期三) 時間: 晚上 7 時至 9 時 地點: 香港中文大學康本國際學術園二號演講廳 語言: 粵語

報名:[名額已滿] 中大師生:https://webapp.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/ras/restricted/eventlist?id=71 校友及公眾人士: https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=8066406


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  • 如已報名人士未能於7時正準時到場,預留的位置會開放予即場報名人士。本中心或未能安排遲到的已報名人士進場。 

  • 未能成功報名人士可於講座開場前到即場報名等候區排隊等候。講座於晚上七時開始,如屆時場內仍有空位,工作人員將順序安排即場報名人士進場。因座位有限,本中心未能確保所有即場報名人士均可進場。

* 講者簡介: 陳祖為教授,香港大學政治與公共行政學系教授,專研政治哲學,研究範疇包括儒家政治哲學、比較政治理論及當代民主理論,著作包括Confucian Perfectionism: A Political Philosophy for Modern Times (Princeton, 2014)(《儒家致善主義:現代政治哲學重構》)、East Asian Perspectives on Political Legitimacy: Bridging the Empirical-Normative Divide(ed. with Doh Shin & Melissa Williams, Cambridge, 2016 )。



電話:3943 8621



Speaker: Prof. Joseph Chan

Host: Prof. Chow Po-chung (Department of Government and Public Administration)

Date: 16 October 2019 (Wednesday)

Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm

Venue: Lecture Theatre 2, Yasumoto International Academic Park, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Language: Cantonese

Registration: [Quota Full] CUHK Students and Staff: https://webapp.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/ras/restricted/eventlist?id=71 CUHK Alumni and Public: https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=8066406


  • Registration is closed as the quota is full.

  • Seats reserved for registered participants will be released to walk-in participants after 7:00 pm. We cannot guarantee admission for registered participants who arrive late. 

  • Walk-in participants may queue at the designated waiting area before the talk commences. Admission of walk-in participants will begin at 7:00 pm and will be arranged on a first-come-first-served basis, subject to availability of seating. Due to limited seats available, this Centre cannot guarantee admission of all walk-in participants.

*Speaker’s Biography Prof. Joseph Chan, Professor in the Department of Politics and Public Administration at The University of Hong Kong. His recent research interests span Confucian political philosophy, comparative political theory, and contemporary theories of democracy. He is the author of Confucian Perfectionism: A Political Philosophy for Modern Times (Princeton, 2014) and co-edited with Doh Shin and Melissa Williams East Asian Perspectives on Political Legitimacy: Bridging the Empirical-Normative Divide (Cambridge, 2016).


I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

Tel: 3943 8621

Email: icare@cuhk.edu.hk
