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博群書節 ── 以書為鄉,以書為糧;以書省身,以書會友
電話:3943 8621
No man is an island.
There are people of all walks of life in the island. Some write, some race, demonstrate, dance, sit…
The island is not alone. Aloneness is the feeling of those who cannot find another to resonate with amidst the labyrinth of discourses.
The island is not lonely. Loneliness is the state of being for those who cannot locate an anchor in the hustle and bustle of intriguing sights and sounds.
Fortunately, there are books, still. In the days of not knowing rain or shine, high or low, how about calming the bewildered heart by retreating to the craze of reading on the island?
The Way of the University: Halt comes stillness. Stillness comes tranquility. Tranquility comes peace of mind. Peace of mind comes thoughtfulness. Thoughtfulness comes inspiration.
On this March, let’s immerse in the world of books. Let them be our home and our food. Allow them to enlighten and befriend. Share, read, talk, turn, hear, watch…you name it for the pages.
Let’s not care about how the world goes around. A new horizon will come when the pages are turned. That, ICARE - Reading Craze guarantees.
I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development
Tel: 3943 8621
Email: icare@cuhk.edu.hk