「跨越界限 ── 認識長者需要」分享會 Sharing Session on “Beyond Age Barriers - Understanding the Elders’ Needs”

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香港正面臨人口老化問題,如何改善長者的生活,讓他們健康及活躍地老去(ageing actively),是近年熱門話題。就此,本中心將舉辦「跨越界限 ── 認識長者需要」分享會,由兩位富有長者服務經驗的講者分析香港人口老化的概況,並分享設計長者服務的要素。參加者還可透過「高齡體驗活動」(例如穿上駝背背帶、腳部負重器及老化眼鏡等),經歷身體機能退化的癥狀,從而了解長者在日常生活中遇到的困難及其需要。

日期:2020 年 1 月 15 日(星期三) 時間:晚上 6 時半至 9 時 地點:王福元樓 502 室 講者:李衛棠先生 – 香港中文大學賽馬會老年學研究所 經理             陳浩民先生 – 歷耆者 創辦人 語言:粵語 名額:30 人(「博群社會服務計劃」申請者優先) 報名:請按 此處



電話: 3943 9860 電郵: mayfung@cuhk.edu.hk


Hong Kong is facing the challenges of an ageing population. Ways to improve the well-being of the older people and to help them age healthily and actively are of grave concern. This Centre will, therefore, organise a Sharing Session on “Beyond Age Barriers - Understanding the Elders’ Needs”. Two speakers, who are experienced in elderly services, have been invited to share on the phenomenon of ageing in Hong Kong and the elements in designing services for the elders. Participants would also experience the deteriorating physical condition of the elders through the “Elderly Simulation Activity”, which allows them to try on braces, ankle weights, and blurry eyeglasses, etc., so as to understand the difficulties faced by and the needs of the senior citizens.

Date: 15 January 2020 (Wednesday)

Time: 6:30 - 9:00 pm

Venue: Room 502, Wong Foo Yuan Building

Speaker: Mr. Richard Lee - Functional Manager of The CUHK Jockey Club Institute of


Mr. Herman Chan - Founder of Eldpathy

Language: Cantonese

Quota: 30 (Priority will be given to the applicants of the  I·CARE Social Service Projects Scheme)

Registration: Please click here


Miss Fung of I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

Tel: 3943 9860 Email: mayfung@cuhk.edu.hk
