University Lecture on Civility 2015 - Documentary Screening - Bonsai People: The Vision of Muhammad Yunus

(Please scroll down for English version)
Bonsai People - The Vision of Muhammad Yunus*
79 分鐘|孟加拉語|英文字幕|
導演:Holly Mosher
日期:2015 年 10 月 5 日(星期一)
時間:晚上 7 時至 8 時 30 分
地點:香港中文大學潤昌堂 103 室
日期:2015 年 10 月 12 日(星期一)
時間:晚上 7 時至 8 時 30 分
地點:香港中文大學潤昌堂 103 室
(English version only)
Bonsai People - The Vision of Muhammad Yunus is a feature length documentary that follows Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus’ pioneering work of microcredit and social business. Bonsai People follows six impoverished rural women through their trials and tribulations with microcredit loans and how they succeed to varying degrees. The film shows how microcredit is really a tool to unleash human potential and empower millions of women. As we follow these women, we also see the other difficulties they face - they not only lack access to financial services, but to so many other services we take for granted. And that is exactly why Yunus says "Whenever I see a problem, I create a company." He is doing what many say is the government’s job by providing access to healthcare, education, energy, nutrition and even cell phones. Even though he is best known for as the father of microcredit, microcredit is just the tip of the iceberg as we see his vision in action.
電話:3943 8621
Bonsai People - The Vision of Muhammad Yunus*
79 min|In Bengali with English subtitles|
Director: Holly Mosher
First Screening:
Date: 5 October 2015 (Monday)
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Venue: LHC 103, Y.C. Liang Hall, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Second Screening:
Date: 12 October 2015 (Monday)
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Venue: LHC 103, Y.C. Liang Hall, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Bonsai People - The Vision of Muhammad Yunus is a feature length documentary that follows Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus’ pioneering work of microcredit and social business. Bonsai People follows six impoverished rural women through their trials and tribulations with microcredit loans and how they succeed to varying degrees. The film shows how microcredit is really a tool to unleash human potential and empower millions of women. As we follow these women, we also see the other difficulties they face - they not only lack access to financial services, but to so many other services we take for granted. And that is exactly why Yunus says “Whenever I see a problem, I create a company.” He is doing what many say is the government’s job by providing access to healthcare, education, energy, nutrition and even cell phones. Even though he is best known for as the father of microcredit, microcredit is just the tip of the iceberg as we see his vision in action.
I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development
Tel: 3943 8621