2017-18 博群影院 I·CARE Theatre 2017-18

(Please scroll down for English version)


站著不知往那裡走 ......







1 月 23 日|晚上 7 時|邵逸夫堂|

100 分鐘|英語|中文字幕|



臨近退休的貝丹尼(Daniel Blake)於工作期間突然心臟病發,經醫生診斷為不宜繼續工作,孤獨無依的他欲申請失業援助,卻被勞工處評定為「仍有工作能力」而否決其申請;在等待上訴的過渡期,貝丹尼受盡政府的欺凌。此時,貝丹尼遇上獨力撫養兩名兒女的單親媽媽琦蒂(Katie),後者遭業主迫遷,及後更被福利處削減援助津貼。兩個處境相似、聽起來理應受到基本社會保障的基層人士,卻因社會的制度問題而得不到足夠保障。幸好,貝丹尼遇上了琦蒂,縱然沒有社會保障,還可守望相助。

本片展現了「完善」社會保障制度下的基層生活,榮獲2016年康城影展(Festival de Cannes)最高殊榮『金棕櫚獎』(La Palme d'or)。


2 月 12 日|晚上 7 時|邵逸夫堂|

98 分鐘|波蘭語中、英文字幕



二次大戰結束後,波蘭仍受蘇聯的史太林主義主導。傷殘畫家及藝術系教授史特斯明史奇(Wladyslaw Strzeminski)並沒有理會窗外的世界,決意忠於自己的創作,結果也成為極權政府打壓的對象,創作被毀,還被撤銷教席。《殘影》乃波蘭已故電影大師華意達(Andrzej Wajda)之遺作,他透過藝術批判政權的不公義,並以傳記方式向該國藝術家史特斯明史奇致敬。


3 月 12 日|晚上 7 時|邵逸夫堂|

142 分鐘|英語|中文字幕|



電影界的經典,美國小說大師史提芬京(Stephen King)改編之作。故事講述無辜的銀行家安迪(Andy)因被控謀殺妻子及其情夫而入獄,與囚犯瑞德(Red)結為好友。安迪在獄中努力爭取為囚犯謀福利,憑著其不屈不撓的性格,成為監獄內的傳奇人物。與此同時,他一直沒有放棄離開監獄的想法,他想盡辦法逃獄,盼望可重獲自由,繼續為自己的夢想奮鬥。


4 月 13 日|晚上 7 時|邵逸夫堂|

109 分鐘|語|中文字幕|






4 月 13 日|晚上 9 時 20 分|邵逸夫堂|

141 分鐘|語|中文字幕|





4 月 13 日|晚上 11 時 45 分|邵逸夫堂|

90 分鐘|英語|中文字幕|








  1. 《我,不低頭》及《殘影》之放映為公開場次,香港中文大學學生、教職員、校友及公眾人士均可登記。

  2. 《月黑高飛》、《甜味人間》、《誰知赤子心》、《一奏傾情》之放映為中大專場,只限香港中文大學學生、教職員及校友登記參與。

  3. 所有場次費用全免,座位先到先得、不設劃位。

  4. 放映前 20 分鐘開始入場。

  5. 場內不得進行任何形式的拍攝或錄影。



電話:3943 8621



WHILE dimness and inanition makes you feel lonesome and helpless,

you may choose exercising your outsight.

WHILE you pay closer attention to your surroundings,

you will definitely find that:

the beauties……is just round the corner!

Titled “Glitter in the Gloom”, the I·CARE Theatre is co-organised by the I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development and The Office of the Arts Administrator. Starting from January 2018, I·CARE Theatre will bring you a fine selection of films in four consecutive months, and these films are put under the theme “Glitter in the Gloom”. In each story, the main characters have coped with the ups and downs in their lives by diligence. Although they regard “lovely moments” transitory, they believe the light is always at the end of the tunnel.

Details of the repertoire in I·CARE Theatre - Glitter in the Gloom are set out below:

I, Daniel Blake

23 January 2018|7:00 pm|Sir Run Run Shaw Hall|

100 min|In English with Chinese subtitles

Director: Ken Loach


Near retirement age, Daniel Blake suffers a heart attack and is advised by his cardiologist not to return to work. As a widower with no relatives, Daniel attempts to apply for financial aid from the government but has been considered ineligible, for he is deemed fit to work after an assessment conducted by the Labour Department. Daniel crosses paths with Katie, a single mother of two young children, who has been evicted by her landlord. Katie later has her benefits sanctioned for missing a job centre appointment. In the face of the ridiculous and bureaucratic welfare system, all Daniel and Katie can do is to offer timely help to each other.

This film reveals how the grassroots are protected under such a “comprehensive” social welfare system. In 2016, it was awarded the La Palme d'or (Golden Palm) - the ultimate recognition given at Cannes.


12 February 2018|7:00 pm|Sir Run Run Shaw Hall|

98 min|In Polish with Chinese and English subtitles|

Director: Andrzej Wajda


After the Second World War, Poland was still led by Stalinism. Wladyslaw Strzeminski is a disabled Polish painter and an art professor who does not care about the outside world. Although Strzeminskihas remained faithful to his own work, he becomes one of the victims who are suppressed by the totalitarian government - his works have been destroyed and his teaching credentials have been revoked.

Afterimage is the final film of the late Andrzej Wajda, the then most prominent filmmaker in Poland. Wajda addressed and criticised political injustice in the form of art. This film is a memoir to commemorate Wladyslaw Strzeminski, the legendary artist in Poland.

The Shawshank Redemption

12 March 2018|7:00 pm|Sir Run Run Shaw Hall|

142 min|In English with Chinese subtitles|

Director: Frank Darabont


A classic film based on the renowned American author Stephen King’s work. Banker Andy is wrongly convicted of murder of his wife and her lover and sentenced to life. In prison, he befriends one of the inmates Red and fights for the welfare of everyone. Andy’s resourcefulness has brought change to the entire prison. At the same time, he has never given up his plan of an escape in pursuit of his dream.


13 April 2018|7:00 pm|Sir Run Run Shaw Hall|

109 min|In Japanese with Chinese subtitles

Director: Naomi Kawase


Sentaro, owner of a small dorayaki store, has been living a mundane life with no direction in his life. One day, he was approached by a kind old woman, Tokue, who was looking for a job at his store. With over 50 years of experience in making sweet red bean paste, Tokue impresses Sentaro by herdelicious homemade recipe. As Sentaro’s business starts to thrive, he learns from Tokue the key factors leading to success, namely time, attitude, attention, and effort. Sentaro also begins to realise the meaning of life. Tokue has once suffered from leprosy. When the customers learnt of this, they tried staying away from the store. Sentaro feels hopeless and helpless again; all he can do is to let Tokue go......

Through An, let us experience the essence of making sweet red bean paste and have a closer look at how Sentaro and Tokue struggled to live a meaningful life.

Nobody Knows

13 April 2018|9:20 pm|Sir Run Run Shaw Hall|

141 min|In Japanese with Chinese subtitles

Director: Naomi Kawase


Nobody Knows was inspired by a real child abandonment case occurred in Tokyo, Japan. It tells the story of a 12-year-old boy, Akira, who has been living with his single mother and three younger half-siblings. Nobody knows the existence of these four children - they have never left home, not to mention attending school. One day morning, Akira woke to find that his mother had absconded, leaving them just a note and some cash on the table. Being the eldest amongst the four, Akira hassince been determined to take good care of the younger three. Would Akira be capable of bearing such a heavy burden of responsibility?


13 April 2018|11:45 pm|Sir Run Run Shaw Hall|

87 min|In English with Chinese subtitles

Director: John Carney


An unnamed busker (Guy), who is a composer and singer, lives his musical dreams by performing his songs on the street at Dublin. Guy’s performance attracts nobody’s attention except that of an unnamed passer-by (Girl), who shares the same goal with him.

Girl is a musician, and she regularly plays piano at the music store where she has her first-time collaboration with Guy. They sing and play one of Guy’s songs together. Since then their romantic connection has begun to swirl, as if a new relationship is about to blossom.

But things just do not always go as expected. Guys later learnt that Girl is a separated mother of a two-year-old daughter and that she is longing for the return of her daughter’s father.

This romantic yet nostalgic love story is not only transmitted through the music of Guy and Girl, but will also be engraved in the audiences’ heart.


  1. For the screening of I, Daniel Blake and Afterimage, registration will be open to not only CUHK students, staff and alumni but also the public.

  2. For the screening of The Shawshank Redemption, An, Nobody Knows and Once, registration wil be open to CUHK students, staff and alumni.

  3. All screening are free-of-charge. Free seating is made on a first-come-first-served basis.

  4. Admission will start 20 minutes before the screening time.

  5. Photo taking and video recording are prohibited.


I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

Tel: 3943 8621

Email: icare@cuhk.edu.hk
